CHENNAI (Metro Rail News): The Tamil Nadu government has given the green light to acquire 28 six-coach trains at a cost of ₹2,820.90 crore for Chennai Metro Rail’s phase I project, including its extension. The decision comes in response to the growing demand and an increasing number of passengers using the metro service.
Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) conducted a study to assess the need for additional trains in the existing 54-km phase I stretch, and the findings were presented to the State government for approval. The State government’s Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Department stated that the proposal for external funding from multilateral funding agencies through the Government of India would be made.
Currently, CMRL operates train services for 19 hours a day, from 5 a.m. to midnight, and has 45 trains in operation. However, due to the rapidly rising number of metro users, with passenger numbers reaching 82.5 lakh in July, the decision to purchase 28 more trains with six coaches each was taken to meet the future passenger demand by the year 2028. The estimated cost for this procurement is ₹2,820.9 crore, with funding expected from multilateral funding agencies.
The move is aimed at preparing Chennai Metro to efficiently handle the increasing demand and provide a comfortable commuting experience to its passengers.
Chennai Metro Phase 1 to Add 28 Trains with ₹2,820.90 Crore Approval
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