UPMRC Has Invited Bids for Kanpur Metro’s KNPCC-12 Package 

The cost of the project has been estimated to be Rs. 484 Crore with a completion period of 24 months.

Kanpur metro
Kanpur Metro

LUCKNOW (Metro Rail News): Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) has invited bids for the Kanpur Metro’s KPNCC-12 Package on 8.38 Km Kanpur Metro Line 2 running between Agriculture University & Barra-8.  

Scope of Work: 

Design and Construction of elevated viaduct and 5 elevated stations: Agriculture University Station, Vijay Nagar Chauraha Station, Shastri Chowk Station, Barra-7 Station & Barra-8 Station. The contract also includes Architectural Finishing, E&M work and special spans from the end of the ramp after Double Pulia Station to Barra-8 Station. 

KNPCC-12 Package: 

The KNPCC-12 package runs along 4.3 Kilometers. It is made up of two disjointed sections on either end of underground Package KNPCC-11. The southern sections viaduct will connect the Double Pulia Ramp & Barra-8 with 4 elevated stations at Vijay Nagar Chauraha, Shastri Chowk, Barra-7 & Barra- 8 stations. On the northern end of the line, a mall 557.8 meters viaduct will be built with one Elevated Station at Agriculture University. 

Key Details

  1. Approximate Cost of Work: Rs 484 crores 
  2. Tender Security: Rs 9.68 Crore 
  3. Completion Period: 24 months 
  4. Pre-Bid Meeting: 28-11-2023 
  5. Bid Submission Deadline: 26-12-2023 at 3 PM 
  6. Technical Bid Opening: 27-12-2023 at 3 PM 

Minimum Eligibility Criteria: 

The  tenderers  will  be  qualified  only  if  they  have  successfully  completed  or substantially  completed  similar  work(s)  as  a  prime  contractor/  member  of  JV,  completion  date  (s)  of  which falls during the last  seven  years  ending the last  day  of  the  month  previous  to  the  month  of  tender  submission  end  date  as  given  below  (Value shall be rounded off to two decimal places): 

  1. At least one “similar work” of the value of INR 387.20 Crore or more


  1. At least Two “similar works” each of value of INR 242.00 Crore or more.  


  1. At least three “similar works” each of value of INR 193.60 Crore or more. 

Similar  Work(s)  for this tender shall be  “Construction of  Viaduct  (which may include station along with viaduct  /Bridge  /Flyover  (excluding approaches  &  embankments) having a pre/post-stressed concrete super-structure” while “Substantial”  completion shall be based on  80  (eighty) per cent (value wise)  or more works completed under the contract of the work.  

Line 02, Kanpur Metro 

Line 2 of the Kanpur metro is 8.6 Km long with 8 stations running from agriculture university to Barra-8. It is also referred to as the Blue Line. The KNPCC-12 package is the 7th and second last package of Phase 1’s main line & depots.

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