KOLKATA (Metro Rail News): Metro Railway Kolkata tweeted information about a trial run conducted between the Noapara and Dumdum Cantonment Metro stations (Yellow line) for the first time on March 24 at 18:18 hrs. The designated trial rake completed two round trips in the presence of top Metro officials, ensuring operational standards and safety protocols.
According to sources, the trial run achieved 74km/h speed.
The Project and Challenges
The Metro Railway Kolkata decided to extend its service from Dum Dum to Noapara with a length of 2.091 kms of metro line on 10th July 2013. The construction contract for building a viaduct between Kestopur Khal (Canal) and the pre-existing ramp of the former Circular Railway’s viaduct was awarded to Senbo Engineering at Rs. 127 crore in June 2011.
This route has encountered numerous hurdles, including land acquisitions along the canal’s path and encroachments.
Purpose of The Project
The purpose of conducting this journey by a Medha train in Kolkata was primarily to validate the Schedule of Dimensions (to specify the maximum height, width, and other dimensions for trains to ensure they can safely pass through tunnels, bridges, platforms, and other infrastructure without any issues) clearances and to observe how the train interacted with the surrounding civil structures.
The aim was to ensure no physical obstructions along the route.
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