3 Firms Submitted Bids for the Chennai Metro Rolling Stock Contract  ARE04A 

Chennai metro
Chennai metro

Chennai (Metro Rail News): The Chennai Metro project has advanced as Alstom Transport India, BEML, and Titagarh Rail Systems have submitted bids for Phase 2’s rolling stock package, ARE04A.  

Bidding Process 

Initial Contract: In  November 2021, CMRL issued a tender for the rolling stock contract ARE04A. The goal was to operate 12 trains, each with 3 coaches, on Lines 3 and 5 for 39 years. Only Titagarh Wagons submitted a bid for this contract, but their bid was rejected because it did not meet the contract requirements.

In response to this, the CMRL suspended the tender and decided to switch towards a procurement model. 

Later in February 2024, CMRL re-invited the bids for the package ARE04A and Alstom, BEML and Titagarh bid for the contract. 

Chennai Metro’s Rolling Stock Package ARE04A 

The Chennai Metro’s rolling stock Package ARE04A includes the design, manufacturing and supplying of 32 new train sets for Phase 2. 

CMRL’s Brief Scope: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training of Personnel and Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for Fifteen (15) years of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electric Multiple Units). 

Contract Requirements 

As per the tender document, the awarded contractor must deliver the specific no of trains as per the deadline mentioned in the contract. 

Train Delivery ScheduleNumber of TrainsDelivery Deadline from Commencement DateTime Period
Prototype Train1 (3-coach)630 days1.7 years
Next Batch6 trains840 days2.3 years
The following Batch6 trains900 days2.5 years
Third Batch6 trains960 days2.6 years
Fourth Batch6 trains1020 days2.8 years
Final Batch7 trains1090 days3 years

Train Specification 

Operating Speed80 km/h
Design Speed90 km/h
Train Length (3-coach)22,600 mm (22.6 m)
Train Width2,900 mm (2.9 m)
Passenger Capacity (3-coach train)980 passengers

Chennai Metro Rail Ltd. (CMRL) on standard gauge tracks as 32 train-sets of 3 cars with a configuration: DMC+TC+DMC. 

  • DMC = Driving Motor Car 
  • TC = Trailer Car.

The trains will be stabled and maintained either at Madhavaram Depot (lines 3 & 5), Semmancheri Depot (Line 3) or Poonamallee Depot (Line 4). However, CMRL has not decided yet on which Line they are going to operate 32 trains specifically.  

The Process Ahead

The bids submitted by Alstom, BEML and Titagarh have now been sent for technical evaluation. After the completion of the technical evaluation, the financial bids will be opened for the technically qualified bidder to reveal the lowest bidder for the contract. 


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