The Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Limited has been reconstituted as Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Limited. The decision came after a meeting of board of directors of LMRCL, under the chairmanship of Durga Shanker Mishra, secretary of Union ministry of housing and urban affairs (MoHUA) approved its reconstitution. This step has been taken for quicker execution of Metro rail projects in different cities of Uttar Pradesh through one special purpose vehicle (SPV).
The board of UPMRC will remain same as that of LMRCL, consisting of 13 directors – five nominated by the state government, five representing the Centre while three whole-time directors of finance, works and rolling stock departments. The SPV will be headed by the chairman nominated by the Centre – secretary of Union housing and urban ministry while the managing director will be state’s head of SPV.
With this reconstitution, the newly formed SPV has approved the detailed project report (DPR) of Lucknow’s second phase Metro Route – East-West Corridor. The board has also given its approval for creating new posts and selection of Director (Operations) to facilitate smooth and efficient operations of the Lucknow Metro system.
The appointment of a director for operations post was immediately required as Lucknow Metro is scheduled to commission the entire 23 km of Phase I Corridor by April 2019. The stretch starts from Chaudhary Charan Singh Airport to Munshipulia.
The metro officials shared that with this reconstitution, it would be easier to expedite work on metro projects across UP. Instead of different SPVs for different project, now a single SPV will monitor all the metro projects going on in UP. This will help in improving pace of work and timely completion of projects.
There are many advantages of this reconstitution as metro officials will now be able to save time and cost. With this development work will be done efficiently and ensure faster implementation of metro projects launched across the state.