Hyderabad: On Wednesday an Inspection was done for trail of HMR from Ameerpet to LB Nagar by KTR, who is a Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development. He also announced the opening of LB Nagar-Ameerpet Metro stretch of Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) for the public by July-end after Chief Minister inaugurates it.
KTR also inspected Metro stations at Nampally, Lakdikapul and MGBS where he directed the Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) officials to develop a heritage zone between Nampally and Rangamahal stations.
He even share the better responses that Hyderabad Metro has achieved  till now is far better than the services in Chennai, Bengaluru and other cities, he further said that the Metro Rail was garnering a ridership of 80,000 daily.
Now time came, LB Nagar-Ameerpet Metro Corridor Rail which is second phase of (HMR) will be get started in July last week or August first week. This will reduce the traffic woes of people to a significant extent and there was no scope for reducing ticket prices, which are said to be on higher side.KTR also mention that, government is trying to resolves all the related problems at metro stations which will be sorted out soon on finalizing the tenders for multi-level parking at 42 places by supporting commercial activities. The government will soon setup 500 electric buses to avoid pollution and to provide last mile connectivity from metro stations. Even setup of different charging station for electric vehicle will be carrying out.
The discussion on fare was stated by MA&UD and IT Minister KT Rama Rao at a press conference at LB Nagar Metro Station on Wednesday. The minister had a, trial run of the train from Ameerpet Metro Station to LB Nagar Metro station along with Transport Minister P Mahender Reddy, Mayor Bonthu Rammohan, Metro Rail Chief NVS Reddy and others. Finally they reach to the conclusion, that metro rail cost is not that high as was concluded from section of people. After comparison to Hyderabad metro fare cost from Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and others metro, fare cost of HMR resulted to be less.