New Delhi: The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is conducting an online ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’ through its website –, from tomorrow, the 4th of April till the 1st of May, 2016.
The questions will try to cover all aspects of Metro’s functioning to assess how the services can be further improved. The aspects which the survey shall cover are – overall satisfaction, availability, accessibility, ease of use, information prior to and during travel, reliability, customer care, comfort, crowding, security etc.
This survey is being conducted in association with the two main global bodies for Metro systems – CoMET and NOVA. The survey will be conducted by using the ‘Survey Monkey’ web platform and the questions will be objective type with multiple options so that the respondents can finish the questionnaires within three to five minutes.
This survey will be unique in nature as, similar customer satisfaction surveys will also be simultaneously conducted by many other Metro systems across the world. After the completion of this almost month long survey, these organizations will compare the results and share the feedback received globally so that better services can be provided to the Metro commuters worldwide.
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DMRC has been participating in similar surveys since the year 2014. In the survey conducted last year, DMRC was ranked 1st in ‘Information during travel’ and 2nd in ‘Train cleanliness and comfort’ among 20 member Metro systems of the CoMET and NOVA groups.
The survey, available in both English and Hindi will cover all major aspects of Metro functioning such as availability, accessibility, ease of use, reliability, crowding, security etc.