Chennai: The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL)in association with BNY Mellon Technology Private Limited as part of corporate social responsibility activity conducted a Joy Ride for students of Little Flower Convent Higher Secondary for the Deaf and Blind in the Metro Train on July 4th 2018 (Today) from AG-DMS to Airport.
A total of 150 differently abled children and their teachers and volunteers participated in this trip enthusiastically.Here are some glimpses of the ride taken by the students and teachers:
In an attempt to bring awareness to the students of Government Schools across the Metro Rail alignment in the city, CMRL has commenced its monthly educational trip from Central Metro to Airport and AG-DMS to Airport for the students. The students will be explained the features of the Metro Train and its Stations during the trip.
The educational trips for this academic year 2018-19 commenced from 21.06.18 and a total of 1993 students from Government and Corporation Schools have taken this education trips till date.
This corporate social responsibility by Chennai Metro aims to help connect more and more commuters to the metro ride.