8th International Railway Summit brings global rail community to New Delhi

Vinod Kumar Yadav, Chairman of India’s Railway Board remarked that rail will need to do more to keep up with the demand created by rapid population growth

8th International Railway Summit brings global rail community to New Delhi
8th International Railway Summit brings global rail community to New Delhi

The 8th International Railway Summit, a unique three-day networking and knowledge-sharing event for the global rail sector, concluded in New Delhi on 22 November. The summit, which was supported by the International Union of Railways (UIC), featured a full timetable of high-level debate, bespoke one-to-one meetings, and a variety of networking functions.

Delegates representing international, national, and local governments and associations, rail operators, infrastructure owners, and expert innovators and suppliers gathered at the Hyatt Regency hotel to share ideas and insight.

The European Union’s Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, presented her vision for the future of transport planning. Mrs Bulc strongly promoted rail as the backbone of a multimodal transport system and advocated global standards for railways.

Vinod Kumar Yadav, Chairman of India’s Railway Board remarked that rail will need to do more to keep up with the demand created by rapid population growth. Mr Yadav went on to elaborate on the megaprojects that will revolutionise the nation’s passenger and freight operations in the coming years.

François Davenne, UIC’s Director General, sent delegates a special message, which focussed on the implications of rapid population growth. Christian Chavanel, UIC’s Director of Rail System, chaired the conference programme, and described the shared objectives of UIC and the International Railway Summit: promoting innovation and best practice worldwide.

Throughout the two-day conference, thought leaders tackled the implications of population growth, from pressure on capacity and safety, to passenger experience, the value of high-speed rail, and investment strategies.

Alongside the conference, the world’s key rail sector buyers and carefully selected technical experts took part in over 100 pre-arranged one-to-one meetings, which were tailored to the participants’ requirements and expertise.

In addition, Indian Railways welcomed delegates to technical visits exploring divisional railways’ control centre and New Delhi train station, where delegates visited surveillance and train control rooms.

Evening functions were also an integral part of the summit, a chance to make friends and build partnerships. A welcome reception and dinner at the Hyatt Regency was held on the evening of 20 November. The following evening, 21 November, delegates enjoyed a meal at Kheer restaurant in New Delhi’s Aerocity.

The 9th International Railway Summit will take place in Warsaw on 19-21 February 2020. Organisations interested in learning more about International Railway Summit and about how they can participate in the event can visit http://www.irits.org or contact the organisers, IRITS Events.

Metro Rail News was the official Media Partner for the 8th International Railway Summit


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