Chandigarh: The Metro project for Chandigarh and its peripheral areas will now cost Rs 13,600 crore. In a revised detailed project report (DPR) submitted by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) to the Chandigarh Administration, the cost of the project has been pegged at Rs 2,700 crore more than the earlier estimated cost of Rs 10,900 crore.
The revised DPR for the Metro project, one of the important components in the integrated multi-nodal mass transport system, has been prepared after the Union Ministry of Urban Development had sought a revised report since the parameters of the last study conducted in 2012 had changed.In the fresh report, it has been mentioned that the rate of return in terms of investment will be 1.5 per cent of the cost, which works out to Rs 200 crore per annum.
The report states that the rate of return in terms of saving as a result of less load on roads and less fuel consumption on private vehicles will come to 14.25 per cent of the cost.Based on the revised DPR, the Chandigarh Administration has already initiated the process to get approval from the Union Cabinet.
While Calculating the cost and rate of return a multi model transport model to be developed and presented. I mean to include saving in terms of cost of Petrol/diesel/buses/maintenance/depots etc. A unified transport authority on the model of European standards will be best answer for a true multi model approach
Rather than full scale metro – Tram Network would be best option for Chandigarh, as much low in cost and wide road network in Chandigarh would help reduce the cost to almost half. Literacy rate too is best in Chandigarh , hence road users risks is also very less.