Track laying work completed from IIT to Kalyanpur station of Kanpur Metro

Trail run is expected to start on Priority Corridor by November this year. Now work has also commenced on underground section of Kanpur Metro.

Kanpur Metro Track Laying Work
Kanpur Metro Track Laying Work

KANPUR (Metro Rail News): Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) has completed metro track laying work for a stretch of around 1 km from IIT to Kalyanpur station for the 9 km long Priority Corridor running from IIT to Motijheel of Kanpur Metro Rail Project.

Metro track laying work was started on 11th May from IIT and so far has reached till Kalyanpur Metro Station. Metro track is laid down by joining segments of rail of 18 meters each through rail welding machine and a long track is made by joining these segments and then laid down on the track.

In Metro rail projects, ballastless tracks are used which requires low maintenance and work as an efficient system as metro train operates 15-16 hours a day with very tight frequency and there is little scope of maintenance during these hours and ballastless tracks comes very handy here. These tracks also have other important advantages such as high durability, providing comfortable journey, being stable etc. Kanpur Metro project is using this same track.

There is also a difference between a Metro track and a Rail. A Metro track is a complete system whereas a Rail is just a part of that system. A Metro track, other than Rail, comprises of track plith, track sheet, rubber pad, fastener etc.

Work is progressing at rapid pace for the Kanpur Metro 09 km long Priority Corridor running from IIT to Motijheel with 9 elevated stations. UPMRC aims to start operation of metro trains on 9 km long Priority Corridor from December this year. On completion as per deadline, Kanpur Metro will become the fastest built and commissioned metro project in the world.

In Phase-1 of Kanpur Metro Rail project, two corridors will be built. The first corridor (Red Line), with length 23.7 km, will have 22 metro stations and the second corridor (Blue Line), with length 8.6 km, will have 8 metro stations. Trail run is expected to start on Priority Corridor by November this year. Now work has also commenced on underground section of Kanpur Metro.


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