11 Firms Bid for Geotechnical Work on Mumbai Metro’s Line 11

Mumbai Metro

Mumbai (Metro Rail News):  Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (MMRCL) has revealed that 11 bidders have signed up to conduct a geotechnical soil investigation for 18 km Mumbai Metro Line 11( Green Line ), which will connect Anik Bus Depot- SPM Chowk featuring 15 underground stations.

WhatsApp Image 2024 09 02 at 18.05.43
Map of the green line

Beforehand, MMRCL had invited bids for geotechnical work on the new alignment of Line 11. The deadline for the project is 90 days. This line will be the third underground line after Line 3 (Aqua Line) and Line 7 (Red Line).

Contractors Have Bids For The Project :

  1. CEG Test House & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd.
  2. C E Testing Company Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Genstru Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 
  4. Geomarine Dynamics India Pvt. Ltd.
  5. Idhitri Geoservices Pvt. Ltd.
  6. Independent Consultants and Technocrats
  7. Monarch Surveyors and Engineering Consultants Ltd.
  8. Myrtle Project and Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
  9. Pureways Infra Pvt. Ltd. 
  10. SKW Soil and Survey Co
  11. S & R Geotechniques Pvt. Ltd.

 The lowest bidder has yet to be announced, and bids have been sent for technical evaluation.

Objective For Geotechnical Contract 

This geotechnical investigation aims to collect sufficient data on the sub-soil that will help to prepare detailed structure designs and the use of appropriate machinery, methods & technology during construction. This will also help ensure the least possible damage to existing structures during construction.

Work Description: The contract involves a geotechnical investigation of the new alignment of Mumbai Metro line 11. 

The report of the geotechnical survey should contain the following details:

  • Borehole details and locations with georeferenced coordinates
  • Geological characteristics of the area
  • Water table levels
  • Results of conducted tests
  • Foundation recommendations based on borehole data
  • Cut off values
  • Bearing capacities of Soil
  • Seismicity of the soil

According to the contract details, boreholes with 150 mm diameter should be drilled periodically after every 500 meters along the twin tunnel alignment. A total of 3 boreholes will be drilled at each station site. The depth of these boreholes will vary from 10 meters to 20 meters.

On corridor 11, 15 underground stations are planned to be constructed on Anik Bus Depot, Wadala Depot, CGS Colony, Ganesh Nagar, BPT Hospital, Sewri, Hay Bunder, Coal Bunder (Darukhana), Reay Road, Byculla, Nagpada Junction, Bhendi Bazaar, Crawford Market, CSMT Metro, Horniman Circle, and SPM Circle.

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) is responsible for the development of Green Line. The Green Line includes four lines( Line 4, Line 4A, Line 10, and Line 11).In 2023, the first section of the Green Line will be opened and connected with other metro lines through multiple interchanges along its route.


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