Solar power plant at Ghaziabad RRTS station generates electricity, NCRTC aims for 70% renewable energy for operations

The rooftop solar plant has a capacity to generate 25,000 units annually, with 54 panels installed. NCRTC plans to use renewable energy sources to meet 70% of its auxiliary power needs for RRTS operations, including potential for 11 MWp of solar power along the RRTS corridor.

Solar panels at Metro
Representational image only

GHAZIABAD (Metro Rail News ): According to officials from NCRTC (National Capital Region Transport Corporation ), a solar power plant installed on the rooftop of a receiving substation near Ghaziabad RRTS station has begun producing electricity.

The plant has a capacity to generate 25,000 units of electricity annually, and NCRTC intends to fulfill 70% of its auxiliary power requirements for RRTS operations using renewable energy, primarily solar power. The receiving substation rooftop now houses 54 solar panels, each approximately 1mX2m in size, which will generate the aforementioned amount of electricity.

Under the RESCO model, the NCRTC will purchase the energy generated at a mutually-agreed rate from the service provider company that has installed the solar power plants at specified locations. The energy generated from the solar power plant will be utilized to meet demand at stations and buildings, and NCRTC has recognized the potential for nearly 11 MWp of solar power on the rooftops of stations and buildings along the RRTS corridor, anticipating the generation of 10 million units of electricity to fulfill auxiliary consumption needs.


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