RRTS Assets are to be managed digitally through a real-time Enterprise Asset Management System for optimized performance at minimized cost

Aerodynamic RRTS trains will run at the speed of 160 kmph and reduce the travel time from Delhi to Meerut from current 3 hours to less than 60 minutes

integrated real time Enterprise Asset Management system (iDREAMS)
integrated real time Enterprise Asset Management system (iDREAMS)

DELHI (Metro Rail News): NCRTC is implementing an integrated real-time Enterprise Asset Management system (iDREAMS) for its various assets, systems and sub-systems including RRTS Trains, Automatic Fare Collection System, Platform Screen Doors, Lift, Escalators, Signaling and Telecom, Electrical, OHE and numerous civil structures. 

Through this system of asset management, NCRTC will bring digital transformation in the way rail assets are being managed in India. It will help to be able to predict, identify, rectify or remove any risks or shortcomings related to its wide range of assets, making sure that it doesn’t hamper commuter safety and their experience of a hassle-free comfortable ride to their destination, any time.  

Asset Management2
Integrated real-time Enterprise Asset Management system (iDREAMS)

As part of its endeavour to leverage state of the art technologies, the iDREAMS system is being designed to ingest crucial data from different sources such as Building Information System (BIM), Geographic Information System (GIS), Internet of Thing (IoT), Operation Control Centre (OCC), Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Building Management System (BMS) etc during design and construction phase itself so that the requirement of feeding additional data is not required.  

iDREAMS system will help NCRTC in achieving various tasks important for optimal use of assets and resources such as asset or inventory registration, providing asset capability/capacity information, compiling asset performance benchmarks and testing data as well as calculating the complete life cycle of various assets. 

Apart from helping NCRTC achieving their corporate objectives, the iDREAMS system will also help in improving the safety standards of RRTS corridor, supporting economic growth and minimizing environmental impact by reducing any form of wastage. A tender for implementing iDREAMS system in NCRTC has been floated in this connection. 

Public Transport projects like RRTS and Metro rails are capital inventive projects, primarily funded by multilateral agencies. To make these public projects financially sustainable in the long run, it is essential to work on revenue maximization and expenditure rationalization. NCRTC is working on both fronts since its inception.  

RRTS is a public transport infrastructure, being implemented for many decades. A number of assets are being procured/constructed/manufactured for RRTS project. It is imperative to utilize/manage/maintain these high numbers of assets efficiently for a longer duration.  

Moreover, RRTS consists of multiple sub-systems and assets, which work in synchronization. Performance of one system effects other system as well i.e. fault in one system is correlated to another asset condition and working. For getting optimal performance ensuring best-in-class safety, it is important to manage and maintain assets in efficient, well-defined and coordinated processes leading to better productivity, a significant reduction in operating cost and enhancing the asset’s shelf life as well. 

As the project is approaching towards operationalization, the aim behind introducing this system is to optimize asset performance and maximize asset availability for a minimum life cycle cost and risk with an objective to deliver state of the art services to the commuter. 

Asset management is a systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets in the most cost-effective manner keeping all factors in mind such as costs, risks and performance attributes of the asset. 

Technology driven organizations are using asset management these days as it enables them to account their assets, help them identify, manage & remove risks in initial stages and improve the usage of their assets and resource in the long run. 

The iDREAMS project is aimed to bring about revolution in rail industry and showcase a reference system for others to follow. 

Currently, the construction work of Delhi – Ghaziabad- Meerut corridor is in full swing on entire 82 km RRTS corridor. 800 piers of elevated section have already completed with around 8 km of RRTS Viaduct.  

Aerodynamic RRTS trains will run at the speed of 160 kmph and reduce the travel time from Delhi to Meerut from current 3 hours to less than 60 minutes. Commuters will be able to travel in airconditioned, feature-rich trains in a safe and secure environment.  

RRTS will significantly reduce hazardous air pollution, severe congestion and unmanageable urban sprawl in National Capital Region on a sustainable basis as it will offer a faster, safer, more reliable and energy-efficient mobility solution and results polycentric development. It will improve access to education, employment and health care facilities. 


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