Rail Cybersecurity in India. Cylus appoints Ashish Upadhyay to expand its footprint.

Cylus addresses the full spectrum of cybersecurity needs of rail signaling and rolling stock systems, ensuring safety and service availability, and facilitating compliance, for mainline and urban railway companies

Ashish Upadhayay Cylus
Ashish Upadhayay Cylus

Cylus, The global leader in rail cybersecurity solutions, announced the appointment of Ashish Upadhyay as the new country director for India.

“Ashish has a decade of experience working in Indian Railways and metro rail ecosystem in India and abroad and will lead the sales and business development activities in India” said Amir Levintal Cylus CEO. “We are excited to be part of the Indian railway ecosystem; one of the major railway markets in the world. This is a significant milestone in leading the rail industry towards a cyber-safe future.

Cylus addresses the full spectrum of cybersecurity needs of rail signaling and rolling stock systems, ensuring safety and service availability, and facilitating compliance, for mainline and urban railway companies. Led by veterans from the elite technological unit of the Israel Defense Forces’ together with top executives from the railway industry, Cylus team combines deep expertise in both cybersecurity and rail.
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“Cybersecurity for rail safety-critical systems is a new paradigm, the introduction of digitization and advanced technologies to the rail industry have turned a quite rigid, legacy-based environment into a dynamic, versatile and flexible one. As such, rail companies have become a more accessible target for cyber-attacks that can lead to severe implications for safety and operations. In fact, we have seen 173% increase in cyber-attacks targeting the rail industry in the past two years. Indian rail operators are adding more number of kms of track every year but also on a corporate level, a robust cyber strategy planning is required to protect the critical infrastructure; firewalls or antivirus software will not protect them, said Ashish. National Cyber Security Strategy 2020 is an attempt to revise and strengthen the 2013 version with a vision to ensure a safe, secure, trusted, resilient and vibrant cyber space for our Nation’s prosperity.


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