NHSRCL invites bids for balance construction and other works in connection with RUB on Single Line Railway track

IRCON International Limited (IRCON) has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to M/s PS Digitech-Hr (India) Private Limited for Providing consultancy services for progress Monitoring and presenting through Primavera EPPM

Name of Work

Balance construction works including launching of 6 nos. precast RCC boxes, P-Way works and other associated works in connection with One No. Road Under Bridge (RUB) on Single Line Railway track (Connecting Chord line between Ahmedabad-Vadodara line & Godhra -Vadodara Line at High Speed Rail Alignment between Mumbai & Ahmedabad (HSRMA) Chainage KM 402/935M in Karodiya Village, Vadodara.

Important Details


  Estimated Cost: INR 1.40 Crores

  Completion Period: 03 months

  Availability of Tender Documents: 07.04.2021 from 09:00 Hrs to 21.04.2021 up to 15:00 Hrs

Pre-Bid Meeting: 10.04.2021 at 11:00 Hrs

  Tender submission start date: 14.04.2021 at 09:00 Hrs

Tender submission end date: 21.04.2021 at 15:00 Hrs

Technical Bid Opening Date: 22.04.2021 at 15:30 Hrs

Scope of Work

The scope of work in brief is given below, but the scope also includes all other requirements stipulated in various parts/volumes of the contract document including appendices and annexure-

 1. The work involves in this contract includes launching of 6 nos of RCC Boxes of size 6.0 m X 4.65 m, 3m long segments for one RUB of 18.10 m barrel length under the existing single line Railway track (Connecting chord line between Ahmedabad-Vadodara line and Godhara-Vadodara line) in lieu of proposed second Railway track in future for providing Road under Bridge at HSRMA chainage: km402/935m in Karodiya village, Vadodara by using “Cut and Cover Method”.

2. The Contractor shall submit the detailed method statement for launching of RCC Box segments of the RUB within 14 days of the Letter of Acceptance/ prior to commencement of the works at site. The method statement shall have to be approved by the Engineer. The method statement of launching shall include but not limited thereto the following minimum details.

  • Numbers and capacity of cranes to be used along with their load chart of the cranes, safety inspection report by the Charted Engineer/ any other competent authorities. Capacity of cranes shall be assessed which should be more than 1.5 times of the load to be handled.
  • Number and capacity of all the lifting tools along with safety inspection report by the Charted Engineer/ any other competent authority.
  • Numbers of other Equipments & tools to be used in launching operation, i.e. spreader beams, slings etc.
  • Narrative and Pictorial representation of procedure of the handling, lifting, hauling, transporting and launching of RCC Boxes at the final location considering maximum safe working load of the cranes with respect to the working radius and maximum boom height.
  • Detailed working Launching scheme, planning and programme for all the activities to be carried out prior to and during the Railway traffic block as per the guidelines issued in tender, drawings and instructions stipulated in circulars, letters time to time from Railway Board and CBE office, Western Railway HQ, Churchgate in connection with launching and erection.

3. Prior to launching of the actual box segment, it must be ensured to demonstrate the capacity of the crane to lift the required weight corresponding to required radius and boom height at mock location in presence of the Engineer in charge or his representative.

4. The work mainly be executed at the location mentioned above in the drawing, however the location of work can be changed within the jurisdiction of NHSRCL Vadodara, if the need arises. No extra claim of payment shall be entertained on account of this. NHSRCL reserves the right for change of such location. 5. The work is to be executed as per the Railway’s approved Drawing GAD N0. PCE 28212- DRM/2- D, Type Plan No. TP-BR-54/HQ-2018 & Type Plan No. TP-BR-55/HQ-2018, however actually item to be operated shall be as per the tender schedule & site condition. Decision of Engineer-incharge or his representative shall be final and binding on the contractor. All construction/launching materials to be used in the work shall be as per relevant IS/IRS specification, wherever applicable, and shall be approved by Engineer in charge before use in work.

6. The work shall be done as per instructions given by site Engineer and as per Railway’s standard specification for materials and work.

7. Contractor shall take all care to avoid any damage to underground cables, telephone cable, OFC cables, water pipe lines, sewerage system etc. Any damage to the railway property/ any other utilities on account of contractor’s negligence shall be made good at contractor’s cost.

8. Any root or branch of tree infringing the work shall be cut/trimmed by the contractor at his own cost. Necessary permission in regard to these shall be obtained. No extra payment shall be made.

9. In case of any dispute arising out of the punctuation and or any typographical error in the schedule, the same will be corrected with reference to USSOR-2011 of Western Railway in original manuscript available with COS/WA.

10. Contractor will not be entitled for any claims if any of the items indicated in the schedule is not got done or not given to him.

11. Time is the essence of contract. The contractor shall submit a Bar Chart/CPM/PERT chart within 14 days of award of the work for completing the work within the completion period. Progress shall be maintained strictly in accordance with the programme submitted by the contractor in the said chart time to time and as accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.

12. In terms of CTE-CCG’s letter No. W 632/0 (Gangman uniform) Vol. I dated 18.03.2016, contractor should ensure that workman of contractor wear safety type of reflective jackets invariably while working on site in vicinity of Railway Track

13. The segments of RCC Box are to be launched below track after removing the track and cutting the formation to form a complete box during a full traffic block.

14. Contractor shall have to make all the arrangements for launching the box well before the traffic block at site as per the approved planning.

15. Contractor shall have to prepare the launching plan in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge.

16. The contractor shall also execute the work related to the P-Way items as mentioned in the Bill of Quantity along with other works such as construction of retaining wall/toe wall/return wall/any other element as required.

17. All construction/launching materials to be used in the work shall be as per relevant IS specification, wherever applicable, and shall be approved by Engineer in charge before use in work.

18. Only approved design mix shall be used for the concreting works.

Further Details

Tender document can only be obtained online on the website – https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app

Mumbai–Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project is India’s first high-speed rail line connecting Mumbai with Ahmedabad with route length of 508 km. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2023 but has been delayed due to land acquisition issues with now expected to become fully operational by 2027. Once completed, the travel distance time between the two cities will reduced to 2 hrs with trains operating at top speed of 320 km per hour.


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