Mumbai’s local trains may start running by September 1

As of now, a limited number of suburban trains are operating in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region from June 14

Suburban Rail Services, Mumbai
Image for representation.

Mumbai (Metro Rail News): If few reports are to be believed, the local trains in Mumbai may start from September 1. In March 2020, for the first time in 46 years, the sprawling Indian Railway network, including Mumbai’s lifeline, was completely shut down for over two months for all passengers to avoid the spread of coronavirus

As of now, a limited number of suburban trains are operating in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region from June 14. However, only passengers who are engaged in essential services can use the services.

The government had identified over 125,000 employees who are part of the essential services of the state government.
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On an average,  85 lakhs passengers used to commute daily on the suburban networks spanning Mumbai, Thane, Palghar and Raigad during the Pre COVID days.

The state government recently took a decision of running sub urban trains during the Ganesh Festival and hopefully, it may open the local train network for all by September. The move is being seen as a protective shield for saving the economy from further deterioration.


  1. If the Government takes this step, mark my words, the increase in COVID cases in Mumbai alone will shoot up like sky!! How can they think of starting local trains when the situation is so bad and they are aware that crores of people travel in trains!!

  2. what about the people, who not have salary because in these situation, how they live,
    without train they cant go to service.
    already they are died in this pandemic situation

  3. What is about senior citizens how they will travel in pick time on the first day their Will be long que for season tickets pass what about loss to passengers they have not utilized their season tickets during lock down period because of carona virus


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