Metro Rail News April 2019 Issue Published


Our April issue focuses on interesting topics such as HVAC and Refrigeration equipment systems and also provides cover story on PodTaxi, Metrino.

Further, Delhi Metro Phase IV is chosen as our project of the month and exclusive Interviews with Dr. Mangu Singh, Managing Director, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, and Mr. Ramesh Munot, MD, Mandev Tubes are also covered, along with other regular columns such as new development in metro project, pre/post event coverage, technology updates, opinions, Q&A with Industry Experts, appointments, Passenger information, live tenders, Industry Contract, upcoming events and current job openings.


S.No.DescriptionPage No.
Editor Note6
3Editor Choice12
4New Development15
5Cover Story: Pod Taxi, Metrino24
6Project of the Month: Delhi Metro Phase IV26
7Exclusive Interview with Dr. Mangu Singh, MD, DMRC28
8Focus System: HVAC and Refrigeration System33
9Interview with Mr. Ramesh Munot, MD of Mandev Tubes Pvt. Ltd.34
10Technology Update: One Nation, One Card36
11Pre Event Coverage: 5th Smart Cities India 2019 Expo 38
12Post Event Coverage: Metro Rail India Summit 201940
13Global Opinions45
14Women in Tech: Mrs. Gurneet Kaur 48
15Q&A with Industry Expert: OP Agarwal51
16Achievements and Initiatives of Ministry of Railways54
18Upcoming Event58
19Metro Rail Project Status60
20Live Tender62


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