Kolkata Metro | State urges railway board to stretch green-light metro

In Kolkata two stretches i.e., from Monipore to Esplanade in the Jocka Esplanade alignment and from the airport to new Barrackpore of the Noapara-Barasat route are being stretched.

New six coach metro train in Salt Lake depot of Kolkata Metro
New six coach metro train in Salt Lake depot of Kolkata Metro (Photo: KMRC)

Kolkata: In Kolkata Metro two stretches i.e., from Monipore to Esplanade in the Jocka Esplanade alignment and from the airport to new Barrackpore of the Noapara-Barasat route are in the limbo and this is because the material modification is still not approved by the railway board.

A chief wrote to the board that the state has  cleared all the roadblock so they expedite the process.

In railways Jagron “material modification” mainly refers to the project in which without the planning commission’s approval the railway ministers through an executive order sanctioned through rail budget.

In the letter addressed to the chairman of the railway board the chief secretary has urged him to improve the changes that has been agreed upon by both the executing agency and the board, saying no construction could be undertake because the modification had not been approved.

On Airport- Barasat stretch they planned to have an elevated track from Nopara to Barasat. But the safety norms of the Airport Authority of India (AAI) do not allow for constructing any high structure along with flight path, so now the tracks will be underground.

But this plan change requires a railway board sanction for the cost escalation.

The chief secretary wrote in his letter, proposed to start by the extending the link to new Barracpore, a 3.
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5 km stretch from the airport. No encroachment is there on this stretch. A senior state government officer said that the metro railway has estimated the cost after some alterations to the plan and sent it to the railway board for approval.

In the original plan, there had been two stations on the stretch i.e., Birati and New Barrackope. But now an additional station is also being planned. And in the revived project Michael Nagar is a station that has been proposed.


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