IRSDC issues request for empanelment for providing architectural and engg services

Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation (IRSDC) issued request for empanelment (RFE) for providing architectural planning and engineering services for preparation of master plan and concept plan including technical feasibility report for development of railway stations of Indian Railways


New Delhi: Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation (IRSDC) seeks Application for Empanelment through this Request For Empanelment “RFE” for being pre-qualified and shortlisted under three (3) different categories as set out under clause 3.2 of this RFE for providing architectural planning and engineering services for preparation of master plan and concept plan including technical feasibility report for development of railway stations of Indian Railways.

IRSDC intends to invite Bids related to services for providing architectural planning and engineering services for preparation of master plan and concept plan including technical feasibility report for development of railway stations only from the successful Applicants who are shortlisted through this Empanelment process.

Applicants who score 90 and above marks in Technical Score shall be placed in highest category, i.e., Category A, 80 and above but below 90 in Category B and below 80 and upto 70 in Category C. Request for Proposal (RFP) at the Bid Stage for any Project(s) as earmarked in a category shall only be issued to Applicants empaneled in that particular category and below.
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 IRSDC shall also limit the number of assignments that shall be awarded to individual consultant in each category to four (4), three (3) and two (2) as per the Category A, Category B and Category C respectively.

The Authority has adopted a two-stage process (collectively referred to as the “Bidding Process” or “Selection Process”) for selection of the Consultant(s) for award of the Project(s). The first stage i.e RFE Stage (the “Empanelment Stage”) of the process involves pre-qualification and shortlisting (the “Empanelment”) in three (3) Categories of successful Applicants in accordance with the provisions of this RFE. At the end of this stage, the Authority expects to announce pre-qualified and shortlisted Applicants under different categories as per Clause 3.2 who shall be eligible for participation in the second stage i.e the (the “RFP stage” or “Bid Stage”) comprising Request for Proposals (the “Request for Proposals” or “RFP”) of Project(s).

The RFE Document is available online on the website, which can be accessed till the last date and time of submission of the Application.

Last date to submit application is 21st November 2017 upto 11.00 hrs IST.


Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), Joint Venture company of Ircon International Limited (IRCON) (A Govt. of India Undertaking, under Ministry of Railways) and Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA), a statutory authority under the Ministry of Railways with an Authorised Capital of Rs. 100 crore and equity participation in the ratio of 50:50 respectively. IRSDC has been constituted under the Companies Act, 1956 as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to develop Railway Stations across India with the primary objective of augmenting and improving passenger related amenities at stations in a holistic manner.

(E-RFE No. IRSDC/HQ/RFE/28/2017/Architect)


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