Building Safer Railways: An Insightful Discussion with Shri Uday Borwanker, DG, RDSO 

Interview with Shri Uday Borwanker

Metro Rail News conducted an email interview with Shri Uday Borwanker, Director General of the Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO). The interview focuses on RDSO’s role in metro and railway projects across India. Shri Borwanker also elaborated on RDSO’s critical contributions to the development and deployment of the indigenous Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system known as Kavach. Shri Borwanker explains measures to ensure passenger safety and comfort, challenges in project implementation and efforts to improve passenger safety and comfort. The interview reflects RDSO’s vital role in driving innovation, setting standards, and strengthening continuous improvement in India’s rail transport sector. Here are the edited excerpts

Q1.What are RDSO’s Primary responsibilities in the development and regulation of metro and railway projects in India?

Ans: The Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) under the Ministry of Railways is the sole agency of Indian Railways for taking up Research & Development for various activities of Indian Railways and functions as the technical advisor to the Railway Board, Zonal Railways and Production Units. RDSO is fully involved in the development, adoption and absorption of new technologies, the development of new and improved designs of equipment and systems and setting standards for adoption on Indian Railways. RDSO is also involved in technical reviews, specification development as per the latest technology and updates and refinements of the specification to help drive continuous improvement in the product or service, statutory clearances and testing (including Metro Systems), apart from giving technical guidance to Zonal Railways. Vendor development with approval and inspection of safety and critical items are the other important mandates of RDSO. It plays a significant role in the development, regulation, and standardization of metro and railway projects across the country.

In the Metro Act 2009 “Central Government” has been defined as the “Ministry of Govt. of India dealing with Railways” which has been entrusted for the “Technical Planning and the Safety of Train Running in the Metro Railways”. RDSO being the “Technical Advisor to the Ministry of Railways” has been assigned the responsibility to assist the “Ministry of Railways” to accord “In Principle approvals of broad technology as chosen and proposed by Metro Rail Administration.

Q2. RDSO recently conducted Oscillation and emergency braking distance trials for the Indore Metro Project. Could you summarise the findings from these trials?

Ans: RDSO recently conducted Oscillation and emergency braking distance trials for the Indore Metro Project from 09.11.2024 to 17.11.2024. Trials have been completed and Rolling stock exhibited satisfactory performance in terms of riding behaviour and emergency braking at design speed.

Q3. How does RDSO ensure safety standards are met during the testing phases of metro rail systems?

Ans: As told earlier RDSO scrutinizes various technical documents like – Schedule of Dimension (SOD), Design Basis Report (DBR), Track Structure, and Technology for Signalling and Traction. Before conducting Oscillation Trial, Metro Rail has to certify that it has completed all necessary works and achieved the relevant standards/technologies as approved by “Ministry of Railways”.

Q4. How does RDSO collaborate with Metro rail Corporations and private organisations to improve railway infrastructure?

Ans: RDSO works in close collaboration with various Metro rail Corporations for safety certification. For this online portal has been developed, where Metro Rail can upload their proposals. Various sections/departments of RDSO examine and give their comments/recommendations swiftly, using this online portal. The certification process is transparent and can be observed by the Metro authority as well as the rail authority. Further, RDSO consults with Metro organisations and private organisations for improvement in existing technologies/standards/specifications and to infuse new technology to improve railway Infrastructure.

Q5.What is RDSO ‘s role in upcoming projects, including Metro, RRTS and High-Speed Rail System?

Ans: RDSO, being a technical arm of Indian Railway, scrutinises the technical documents and accords in-principle approval to upcoming projects as specified in „Procedure for safety Certification and Technical Clearance of Metro System‟.

RDSO assists in the designing of various components of RRTS, and HSR systems. This includes specifying technical parameters for trains, stations, tracks, signalling, and stations that align with global best practices while accounting for Indian conditions. The organization is responsible for setting the technical standards, ensuring the safety and efficiency of operations, testing and certifying designs, collaborating with international and domestic partners, and guiding the infrastructure and technology development to meet India’s evolving transportation needs.

Q6.What measures does RDSO take to ensure passenger comfort and safety in train operations?

Ans: The Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) play a pivotal role in ensuring the comfort and safety of passengers in Indian train operations. Here are some of the key measures RDSO takes to ensure passenger comfort and safety:

  • Passenger Coaches Design and Improvement: RDSO is involved in the design of passenger coaches to ensure comfort. This includes ensuring the appropriate interior layouts, seating arrangements, air-conditioning systems, and the use of modern materials that contribute to passenger comfort.
  • Safety Features in Coaches: RDSO incorporates features like fire-resistant materials, emergency windows, and escape routes in the design of coaches. The organization also works on improving coach stability and reducing the risk of accidents like derailments or collisions.
  • Train Safety Systems: RDSO continuously engages in the development of the latest technology for train safety. Train Collision Avoidance System (KAVACH) which helps prevent train collisions by providing signals when two trains are on a collision course. RDSO has developed and deployed various anti-collision technologies such as the Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS) and the Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system to prevent accidents and improve safety. Development of Specification for Indigenous WILD System used to identify the wheels with potential tread defects such as flat spots, out-of-rounds, built-up treads, Shell tread as well as defects in suspension, Development of Specification Wheel Profile Measurement System (WPMS), prepared to upgrade safety standards and precise measurement of wheel parameters at maintenance depot by studying available systems and incorporating state of art features. RDSO promotes the use of advanced braking systems (e.g., air brakes, disc brakes) to reduce stopping distances and ensure efficient braking during emergencies, contributing to passenger safety.
  • Infrastructure Safety and Maintenance Standards: RDSO ensures the quality of tracks by developing standards for track maintenance, which helps prevent accidents caused by track failure. Development of R350HT Rail to permit 100kmph speed for 25t axle load– R350HT rails developed by IR 25/22.9 ton axle load @ 100kmph: Fit for Tangent and curve both.
  • Inspection and Testing: RDSO regularly inspects and tests critical infrastructure, including overhead electrification, signal systems, and track integrity, ensuring that these meet safety standards.
  • For comfort in Passenger Amenities RDSO has worked on developing and improving toilet systems in coaches, such as bio-toilets, Waterless Urinal for Electric Locomotives to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for passengers.
  • Wi-Fi and Entertainment: In recent years, RDSO has facilitated the installation of Wi-Fi and entertainment systems in premium trains, enhancing passenger experience during their journey.
  • Improved Lighting and Ventilation: RDSO oversees the design of energy-efficient, comfortable lighting systems, and ventilation to improve the travel experience inside the coaches.
  • Train Operation and Speed Safety: RDSO oversees the implementation of speed monitoring systems and guidelines to ensure that trains run within safe limits, reducing the risk of accidents due to overspeeding.
  • Train Signal and Communication Systems: RDSO also develops and refines signalling systems that enable better coordination and communication between train operators and control centres, reducing operational risks.

Q7. How is RDSO involved in the certification process for railway tracks?

Ans: RDSO is involved for Procedure for speed clearance of rolling stocks from „Track‟ point of view. For clearance of rolling stocks on IR, various field trials are required and are carried out by Testing Directorate such as:

  • Detailed Oscillation Trials and COCR.
  • Emergency Braking Distance & Coupler Force measurement.
  • Rating & Performance and Signal Interference trials

Scrutiny of Detailed oscillation trials and COCR report carried out w.r.t “Third Report of the Standing Criteria Committee” by “Track” and other concerned directorates. Emergency Braking Distance & Coupler Force measurement and Rating & Performance and Signal interference trials are scrutinized by concerned directorates of RDSO.

Final Speed Certificate for operation is processed by respective rolling stock directorates as per provisions of “Policy Circular No. 6, 2023”, based on trial results and rolling stock being found satisfactory. Speed certificate is examined by “Track directorate” considering the Minimum Track structure, Provisions of IRPWM regarding Track geometry standards, speed on curves, fish plated and welded rail joints and Provisions of USFD Manual.

Condonation of infringements to IRSOD (BG) revised 2022, if any, is processed by the Rolling Stock directorate through ED (Track) for approval of the Railway Board.

Q8. What are some of the challenges RDSO faces in implementing metro and railway projects?

Ans: The Railway Design and Standards Organisation (RDSO) develop specifications/standards for railway and metro projects. However, the implementation of these projects often presents several challenges for RDSO. Some of these challenges include:

  • The complexity of Design and Technology: Railway and metro projects, especially those involving metro rail, require the integration of advanced technologies like signalling systems, automated train control, and high-speed trains. Developing and implementing these technologies according to Indian conditions and standards can be complex.
  • There are international standards for metro and railway systems, but the unique geographical, environmental, and socio-economic conditions in India often necessitate customized solutions. This requires extensive research and testing. An example of such a harsh environment is the Chenab Bridge construction
  • Regulatory and Safety Standards: Ensuring the safety of passengers is paramount, and RDSO must ensure that all systems, whether new or adapted, comply with stringent safety norms. Balancing the introduction of modern systems with safety concerns often leads to delays.
  • Regulatory hurdles: Different states and regions may have their own regulatory frameworks, which could conflict with central standards set by RDSO, making uniform implementation is difficult.
  • Collaboration with various agencies:  RDSO  must collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including state governments, contractors, suppliers, and consultants. Misalignment in priorities, delays in decision-making, and lack of proper coordination can hinder project progress.
  • Land acquisition: Coordinating the acquisition of land for projects, especially metro rail, is often a significant challenge. Delays in land acquisition can lead to project delays, as RDSO is often required to adapt designs based on available space.
  • Urban infrastructure: In metro projects, particularly those in densely populated cities, the existing infrastructure and underground utilities often create design challenges. Modifying or diverting existing infrastructure to accommodate rail systems without disrupting daily life is a complex task.
  • Environmental concerns: Metro and railway projects often require environmental clearances. Balancing the need for infrastructure development with environmental protection, including wildlife conservation and air quality, is a constant challenge.
  • Cost overruns: Railway and metro projects tend to be capital-intensive, and delays in implementation often lead to increased costs. RDSO must work within budgetary constraints while ensuring that the quality of the design and implementation does not suffer.
  • Unforeseen risks: Natural disasters, economic downturns, and other unforeseen risks can disrupt timelines and project implementation. RDSO needs to incorporate risk management practices to handle such contingencies.

Q9. How does RDSO incorporate feedback from the public and stakeholders into its planning and operations?

Ans: The Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) is a vital body within Indian Railways, primarily responsible for formulating standards for the design and manufacturing of railway components, rolling stock, and systems. RDSO incorporates feedback from the public and stakeholders into its planning and operations through several methods such as:

  • Public Consultations and Stakeholder Engagement: RDSO regularly organizes meetings, workshops, and seminars with various stakeholders, including railway operators, manufacturers, and other concerned bodies. These forums allow for direct feedback on ongoing projects and future plans.
  • Stakeholder Involvement in Standards Development: When new standards or specifications are being developed, RDSO actively seeks input from various stakeholders, such as industry experts, equipment suppliers, and railway staff. This ensures the standards are aligned with real-world requirements and technological advancements.
  • Collaboration with Industry Experts: RDSO works closely with both domestic and international experts to stay updated with the latest trends in railway technology. This collaboration helps RDSO incorporate cutting-edge solutions that are based on global best practices while considering the needs of the Indian context.
  • RDSO has an advisory group from different IITs, CSIR and Research Institute to collect feedback and consultation.
  • Collaboration with Indian Railways Zones and Divisions: RDSO receives practical feedback from different railway zones and divisions regarding the performance of equipment, systems, and new technologies. These insights are crucial for refining designs, operational protocols, and ensuring the functionality of innovations. Feedback from training sessions and safety audits across the railway network is incorporated into RDSO‟s recommendations and operational guidelines.
  • Online Platforms and Social Media: RDSO maintains an online presence, allowing stakeholders, including the general public, to submit feedback and suggestions. These online platforms serve as accessible and convenient avenues for feedback submission. RDSO also uses social media channels to engage with the public, addressing their concerns and responding to queries. This helps in building a transparent and responsive relationship with the stakeholders.
  • RDSO continuously reviews its operational standards, procedures, and technologies. This review is often influenced by the feedback received from public interactions, technological advancements, safety improvements, and stakeholder consultations. The process ensures that RDSO remains responsive to evolving needs.

Q10. How is RDSO preparing to support future advancements in the rail transportation sector?

Ans: The Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO) play a critical role in shaping the future of rail transportation in India, ensuring that the industry stays innovative, safe, and efficient. To support future advancements in the railway sector, RDSO is focusing on several key areas:

  • In Technological Innovations RDSO is involved in the Electrification and Automation of railway track for improving operational efficiency and safety and Smart Stations by modernization, including smart platforms, automated ticketing systems, and integrated passenger information systems, which will enhance the travel experience.
  • In High-Speed Rail Systems RDSO is actively engaged in the development of high- speed rail technology in India. It is working with international experts to introduce high-speed trains, with ongoing projects such as the Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor. This includes researching new train designs, materials, and safety features specific to high-speed travel.
  • In Environmentally Sustainable Practices by focusing on energy-efficient systems to reduce the carbon footprint of the rail sector, including the development of regenerative braking systems and eco-friendly train designs. In this Hydrogen Fuel cell is a milestone for Indian Railways. By using Green Technologies Indian Railway making Initiatives for sustainable infrastructure, such as solar-powered stations and energy-efficient trains are being explored.
  • In Safety Enhancements RDSO has developed Train Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) also named as KAVACH systems to prevent train collisions and SigDATE (Signalling Design Automation Tool for EI). This includes the development and implementation of advanced signalling systems and safety measures to prevent accidents. For Continuous monitoring of tracks using drones, sensors, and AI is being developed to detect faults early, improving safety and reducing maintenance costs.
  • Digitalization and Data Analytics of big size data by using Internet of Things (IoT) technology and big data, RDSO is developing solutions for real-time tracking of trains, predictive maintenance, and improving the operational efficiency of the entire network. By using AI and Machine Learning solutions for train scheduling, maintenance prediction, and performance analytics are being integrated to enhance decision-making and optimize operations.
  • RDSO is working on modernizing the design and manufacturing standards for rolling stock such as Vande Bharat, Vande Bharat Sleeper, Vande Metro, Vista Dome, 9000 HP (EF9K), WAG12-B Locomotive & Amrit Bharat 2.0 .RDSO includes the introduction of more comfortable, faster, and safer train designs for both passengers and freight services. New technologies like lightweight materials and advanced braking systems are being explored to enhance train performance.
  • RDSO is also Collaborating with International Agencies for knowledge sharing, particularly on projects like bullet trains and advanced signalling systems. This global perspective helps integrate the latest technologies into the Indian railway.


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