NEW DELHI (METRO RAIL NEWS): On a trial basis, Delhi Metro will begin operating feeder electric bus services from Thursday. A feeder bus service is one that acts as a pick-up and drop-off point for passengers.
The service, which will begin operating 25 low-floor e-buses (24-seater) on August 12, will operate on two routes.
The services will be available only to Metro users who possess a Delhi Metro Smart Card or a Metro DTC Smart Card.
They can pay for their cashless journey using their Smart Card, as these buses are completely contactless and conductorless, allowing for card-based admission and exit through turnstiles.
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DTC buses already accept the Metro smart card.
Passengers will be admitted only from Metro stations and will be dropped off only at approved points.
No passenger access will be permitted at any other stop along the route.
Similarly, buses travelling to Metro stations may enter from any stops en route but may exit only at Metro stations.
This is to ensure that this service is used exclusively by actual Metro passengers.
Passengers will be permitted to enter the bus through the front entrance and exit through the back gate.