New Delhi: The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is conducting exam for different posts including lower and higher posts since its inception in 1998. Previously the exams were conducted on paper i.e. written examination. From 3-4 years the organisation has started computer bastes tests (CBT) to recruit manpower for its various ongoing projects. But still lacking in transparency in recruitment process. We have got some complaints from 80- 95 candidates, who has just given Junior Engineer exam from different stream in this year. They have became most victim due to non-specified DMRCÂ normalization process, which has separated them from final selection. This is very painful for us that our youngster who are future of developing India are not able to get platform due to corrupt practices in recruitment procedure.
About Exam
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) conducted exam from 9th to 20th April 2018 for Jr. Engineer (Executive & Non Executive posts in which total 1985 Vacancies are available. There were two papers both held on same day.
1st paper -engineering technical and aptitude 120 questions, 90 minutes = 80 marks (0.667 marks per question)
2nd paper – English language 60 questions, 45 minutes = 20 marks (0.33 marks per question)
And finally paper 1 and paper 2 cumulatively make 80+20=100 marks. So merit to be made from 100 marks.
Issues raised
But when the cut-off list came it brings disappointment among numbers of good and deserving candidates. Who were expecting their name to be come in Merit list, but it does not happen. Reason behind their failure was normalization method, which DMRC is not ready to disclose it. All the three shifts (say for electrical) the papers were different so for maintaining equality in students a normalization method was to be followed. (They did not tell in notification that which normalization formula will be followed however all reputed exams, say GATE etc., clearly explain their formula). Now after the exam DMRC did not give individual response sheet of the candidates and cut off, on inquiry they published cut offs and just common answer sheet by which candidates just guessed their marks .
The cut offs which are kind of unacceptable to any not-selected candidate because many of candidates were expecting their selection and they didn’t not find their names in the list even after scoring very high enough marks (as guessed after seeing that common single answer sheet). It can also be guaranteed that majority of candidates (90%) have been selected from one shift only and other shift candidates rarely find selection (can be proved after RTI reply comes).Increased the particular shift candidates marks inappropriately (approx. 10-12 marks minimum) also decreased the marks of other shift candidates which led the cut off become very high also it reduced the one shift marks too so a huge difference was created between the marks of candidates of two shifts. It can be understood by an example as followed:
Let us say shift 1 candidates in 9th April evening: before normalization he/she gets overall 85/100 & after -72/100
Candidates of shift on 10th April:Â before 72/100Â Â Â after 85/100 (after getting 13 marks advantage).
So on 10th April candidates got their marks increased by 10-13 marks minimum and majority of selected candidates came from that shift only. Here normalizing it by 12 marks means 12/0.66 = 18 questions in paper 1 and 12/0.33 = 36 questions in paper 2. So in paper 2 it is 36/60 questions. When people objected the unacceptable cutoff like for mechanical stream it was 96/100 , then they changed it to 80/100 . How they changed it without any notification.
Cooperation from DMRC officials
On objection DMRC said they are adopting some railway method STANDARD DEVIATION METHOD OF NORMALIZATION however which should be followed only when DMRC adopted railway exam pattern too. Indian railway doesn’t conduct two papers and the pattern which DMRC follows so DMRC should not opt that normalization method and that’s why there is no equality in the process with candidates.
When conveyed to DMRC then they say they don’t bother if the consequences are bad they just applied the formula uniformly to all the candidates now candidates say if it is right then DMRC could adopt any random method and saying that their formula says to give 50% marks to a particular shift candidates just like articles are amended if the equality is violated by some random law then similarly DMRC should amend their formula if the kind of equality is not being maintained.Like GATE, the very important exam for PSU jobs and M. Tech. in India, gives the complete normalization method details so DMRC should have told in the notification only that what kind of method they are going to use. But they did not do so.
DMRC did not maintain any kind of transparency like:
- No formalization method was explained.
- No response sheet of candidates so that they could evaluate their marks giving answer sheet is of no use if candidates don’t see their marked response. However nowadays in every online exam within 2-3 days candidates’ response sheet is published.
- They just showed score card having normalized and they did not tell how much actual marks a candidate scored so that the exact difference could be found.
Candidates Approach
- At first they went DMRC but the did not get any respond from DMRC to the written grievances, mails, telephonic queries, they even refused to meet to the candidates and didn’t allow them to enter in the office.
- Later they also went to RTIs but their CPIO details did not respond when one calls them.
- At last they a have approached to legal procedure through which they have been able to send legal notices to DMRC . Awaiting for good response from DMRC.
- There is also images of RTI and legal notice is provided below.
Verbally grievances had been conveyed JGM/HR of DMRC, written complaint to MD/DMRC , CGM/HR/DMRC , CVO/DMRC on 27/6/2018 but till now 9/6/2018 no reply has come from DMRC .
These candidates are awaiting for positives results. If this will be the condition of recruitment procedure than only corrupt and dishonest candidates will be recruited through nepotism or money power. This not the first time when candidates are facing problem in recruitment procedure. You can check some of the corrupt recruitment done by DMRC through given link DMRC really needs to work to bring transparency in recruitment procedure so that an honest and hardworking candidate can get better platform to work.
The problem here is that everyone is knowing,everyone is watching and everyone is feeling the pain but nobody dares to do anything against it except four-five students named Rohit,Indrajeet,Himanshu,Sahab and Rakesh.And,it’s practically not possible to go ahead like this.So,please support us either physically or financially.
With regards.
We are trying to create awareness among people so that they can help you.
Simply do not join DMRC. You guys will regret later on. Better to try other good companies where your hard work will be appreciated. Suppose you worked overtime since there was no manpower available or your colleague is sick and no person available for next shift. This may continue for few days and if there is any trivial mistake during this time, your manager will shame you. If you give excuse that you worked for more than 12 or 16 hrs and due to fatigue you could not perform your duty perfectly, he would say you are doing your duty and for that you are being paid, you are not doing any favour to us. Irony is that you are not going to be paid for overtime and compensatory rest will not be given as per your wish. Your normal rest day will also be suspended if required.
A very good article written by the Metro Rail News.
I appreciate your courage to expose the corruption in metro railways organisations in India which are mostly being ignored by the corporate and the allied industries.
You really deserve the rights to be an editor.
It’s very good article and good initiative for such type of department which are not give opportunity to hardworker.
Such type of corruption is also at many state govt. Jobs where no legal process is done for selection of candidates.