Aluminium Rail Wagon to be made in Rae Bareily at MCF

Rail Coach Factory (Representation Image)

New Delhi: Indian Railways will soon add another feather to its cap. Aluminium Rail Wagons to be introduced in railways for the first time in India. These will be made at the Rae Bareilly Morden Coach Factory (MCF).

The facility at Rae Bareily will start producing aluminum rail wagons. These wagons will be durable, lighter and most importantly corrosion resistant. This will be the first time in the country that Indian Railways will opt for the alternative wagon. The aim of initiating this is to improve and increase the efficiency of coaches. These light aluminum coaches would help in achieving higher speeds. They also last longer than the currently in use in Linke-Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches.

In urban India metro rail uses aluminum coaches. These will now become a defining feature in Indian Railways. This step is part of ushering modernization in Indian Railways.

During the second phase that proposes to manufacture around 500 coaches yearly, it is estimated an additional Rs 62 crore would be required.

For past 15 years, Aluminium coaches had been in use in Japan and Europe. A railway delegation has made a recommendation to adopt the same in the country from this year.

Railway official shared that returns from this project are estimated to be around 25-30 percent. The official further added that such a project becomes viable if the rate of return is more than 15 percent. The logic being that with the maintenance and manufacturing costs reducing, the rate of return gets higher.

Former Railway Board Chairman RK Singh shared that this is the right time to adopt aluminum rail wagons. With low maintenance and higher shelf life, it would prove to very good for Indian Railways.


  1. First clarify whether you are talking of Aluminium coaches or wagons or both. Secondly Integral coach factory was earlier nominated for making Aluminium coaches for High Speed Trains for which they had floated a tender also. Is it still in race or MCF, रायबरेली has replaced ICF, Chennai.


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