Pune: The Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation (Maha-Metro) is extremely sensitive to environmental issues at every stage of the project. Maha Metro is planning to maximise use of daylight and natural ventilation.

Under the Green Initiative use of solar panels on depots and elevated stations will provide 17 MW which would cater to 65% of our power requirement. Rain water harvesting on the stations will result in 27,500 cubic meters of water being recharged. We have used bio digestors for recycling and reuse of water of water in Nagpur. We are in the process of examining wet land treatment for sewage treatment which should result in adequate flushing water for public toilets. Our efforts on rain water harvesting will result in recharge of 27,500 cubic meters of water per year.
Maha Metro stations at Nagpur have qualified for the IGBC platinum rating and in Pune we intend to maintain or better the same.
While monitoring construction activity in terms of noise, vibration, air quality ,water and noise is routine our Pune Metro execution also involved challenges of working on the river bed and tunnelling operations which are being undertaken to minimize displacement of people in congested areas.
“We have ensured several measures to ensure that animals ,birds ,butterflies or other flora and fauna are not affected during the work. Construction is undertaken from inside out . Billboards instructing no hunting or poaching are on display at the river front . Excavated top soil is stored separately and will be used for gardening while the temporary stacks will be used for back filling after construction. We continue to monitor noise and air quality at the river front on a fortnightly basis and the results are well within permissible limits. All equipment used comply with PUC requirements”, said in a press statement.
The Construction activity on the Mutha river bed has been undertaken with due consideration and this has been ratified by the validation of our technical reports by NEERI, National Green Tribunal (NGT) Experts and Pune University. Construction on the river bed will have an insignificant impact and no rare ,endangered or threatened species was found in the Project area.
“We have ensured several measures to ensure that animals, birds, butterflies or other flora and fauna are not affected during the work.
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Construction is undertaken from inside out . Billboards instructing no hunting or poaching are on display at the river front. Excavated top soil is stored separately and will be used for gardening while the temporary stacks will be used for back filling after construction. We continue to monitor noise and air quality at the river front on a fortnightly basis and the results are well within permissible limits. All equipment used comply with PUC requirements”, said in a press statement.
Most of the metro construction is on the road median and trained traffic marshals will be available for guiding traffic in an appropriate manner Centre For Road Research Institute are our partners for vibration studies to ensure that the tunnelling operations can be undertaken smoothly. All sensitive receptors like hospitals, educational institutes, residential units will be provided adequate sound and vibration barriers.
The Maha Metro team have planted 3165 trees and 195 have been successfully transplanted and the plantation drive is only in its second year.