NAGPUR (Metro Rail News): Maha Metro Nagpur achieved a major milestone when its train traveled on Khapri-Sitaburdi route for the first time at 80 KMPH every 15 minutes on 27th November. With all necessary clearances under its belt, Metro successfully started operations at said speed and frequency. The dream that over 3 million Nagpurians had seen for years now, finally became a reality.
But this was not an easy task and had its share of trials and tribulations. But it was the dedication of Maha Metro team led by MD Dr Brijesh Dixit which ensured that this dream becomes a reality. It was the culmination of efforts put in by over a thousand officials, employees and workers that city got to see `Mazi Metro’ at its peak speed.
As commercial services had started, it was impossible to undertake track-related work in the day time. The commercial services stretched from 8 am to 8 pm and hence work could be done only between 10 pm and 5 am. Though adequate lighting arrangements were made, visibility was always an issue.
If executing track work, especially in night hours was a tough task, work involving setting up OHE network was a big effort. Similar to OHE work, Maha Metro team had to overcome many constraints in laying of 132 kV power cable in main areas. There were utilities from the power supply, telecom and water supply authorities running underneath city road.
The 132 kV Cable was laid below these utilities without major damage. Another hurdle was crossing of 132 kV Cable at Nag River at Akashwani Square, Panchasheel Square and Maharaj Bag. It was crossed on specially designed steel structures on Nag River successfully. The non-availability of stations was a major constraint for Signal department.
Initially, Signaling System had been designed considering that all stations would be available at the same time. However signaling equipment had to be accommodated with available stations. Alike Track Department, Signaling team too faced constraints while discharging its duty due to revenue services.
Testing could be done only after revenue operations between 9 pm and 5:50 am. These multiple factors proved a major challenge for Maha Metro while executing project work. Rolling Stock, like other departments, too had its own share of problems. CMRS gave its clearance for running metro train at speed of 80 KMPH and subsequently Maha Metro launched operations every 15 minutes.
- Approval of civil, track, signal, OHE & rolling stock systems by RDSO & Rly Board – Dec 2017
- Inspection of rolling stock by CMRS – 20th September 2019
- Interim Speed Certificate @ 80 kmph by RDSO for CRRC Rolling Stock – 25th September 2019
- Independent Safety Assessment for CBTC Signaling System – 11th October 2019
- Railway Board nod to rolling stock to run @ 80 kmph max – 11th November 2019
- CMRS sanction to run trains in CBTC signaling system at 80 kmph – 22nd November 2019