Why Rs 1,126 crore contract to Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co, a Chinese firm

On June 12, Narendra Modi-led govt awarded a contract of Rs 1,126 cr to Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. (STEC), a Chinese multinational construction company.


NEW DELHI (Metro Rail News): On June 12, Govt awarded a contract of Rs 1,126 cr to Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. (STEC), a Chinese multinational construction company.

As per the National Capital Region Transport Co (NCRTC) – the Governments of India (GOI), Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan along with UP, mandated for completing the RRTS. The STEC has appeared as the lowest bidder for the RRTS construction of the 5.6 km underground stretch from New Ashok Nagar to Sahibabad.

Have a look of all the companies and their bid:

Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. (STEC)Rs 1126.89 crore
Larsen and Toubro Limited (L&T)Rs 1170.00 crore
Gülermak Agir Sanayi Insaat ve Taahhut A.S.Rs 1325.92 crore
Tata Projects Limited td. – SK E&C JV (TPL – SKEC JV)Rs 1346.29 crore
Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. (Afcons)Rs 1400.40 crore

This is one of the 3 rapid-rail corridors proposed under the RRTS project. The distance among Delhi-Meerut will be met in around 62 minutes, as per NCRTC.

NCRTC had invited global bids for the 1st underground civil construction package last year in November and the technical bids for this contract package were opened on 16th of March.

Co-convenor of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, Ashwani Mahajan said that the tender for such projects should be awarded to an Indian company. As the govt is promoting ‘Make in India’ and construction of such big projects should be handled through an Indian company. Govt authorities in the past as well have cancelled few tenders to promote ‘Make in India.

NCRTC PRO, Sudheer Sharma said to Metro Rail News that this not confirmed yet, that Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. (STEC) got this contract, officials are figuring it out and announce the report soon. However, as per experts, the govt is trying to reduce Chinese aggression as a “dispute”.


  1. Neha, do you really have any clue on how contracts are awarded? Was it necessary to link this article politically? STEC is working in India since many years and the tenders for this project were announced almost 5 months ago and now they have opened the tenders? Do you think any government works inside any organisation to provide them necessary data to become L1 in any project?
    Please keep your vested interests aside and do healthy journalism. I’m myself a civil engineer and understand how contracts work…

    • Absolutely correct. Awarding any contract doesn’t happen in a day. Like Congress this Goverment doesnt work on bribes. Before doing any quote have a deep study and be Knowledgeful (Not from your role model Pappu).

        • Brainless , it was not awarded in a week , unfortunately it took 10 years started in UPA government period , selected in UPA in government time, watch video of 2014 by defence minister saying government didn’t have money to purchase it, instead of inviting new tenders NDA government renegotiated with additions and at cheaper price than the price negotiated at UPA government, CAG and supreme court itself scrutinized it when UPA filed a case and they badly pitted for false claim and lost the election,

        • Don’t talk non-sense if you don’t have any knowledge on government working and tender processing. Even in a small society, contracts can’t be given in a week’s time without going through proper procedure.

      • Mr Shankaranayan, Can you explain, when the government is promoting ‘Make in India’, then why this contract awarded to a Chinese Firm when already Indian companies were in the list?

          • screw L1 bidder criteria. China is an enemy nation, is it not sufficient to throw them out of the vendor list?

          • As L&T are the second lowest bidders are a local company with reputation of handling many large projects with quality of work the contract should be awarded to L&T co sidering the present crises with China.

          • Then how could middle class and lower class people buy expensive indian product instead of cheap chinese product..that means boycoting chinese product is just for aam janta and not for rich people, celebrities, politicians, and upper class peoples..

          • You may negotiate L&T who is second lowest bidder, and You may request them to revise their bid. Its our Indian company.
            And they think more over quality also L&T will create more job for Indians.

        • Award doesn’t mean anything. If the condition is put in the tender that only Indian Companies should bid, then these foreign companies can still enter through back door and with lot of kick backs to the Indian companies. That is what happens even in defense deals !! Make in India means that they have to employ Indians in their day to day work. Not that the owner should be Indian and all his workers foreign !!. i.e vast majority of contributors should be Indians as then only they would get their daily bread. What is the use of an Indian Company getting the tender and if they chose to deploy all foreigners for the execution?

        • Had it been awarded to L&T, then your article would have been that ‘despite a lower bid in place tge contract is awarded to the next higher…’
          These are global tenders and the entire process of qualifying criterian, gloval bidding, qualification of bids, technical comparision etc. etc. takes lot of time and is a long process. If Indian Governemnt awards contract to the L2 this way, the credibility is lost abd no good company take interest. This is not as easy as writing an article.

        • I think first you need to understand how the procedure of Bidding happens in government tenders.
          When tender opens to bid at that time government specify criteria about which companies can apply (On basis of past work experience, Working capacity, yearly turnover etc…).
          In tender there can be some criteria like company who get contract needs to use men power (Labour etc.) from india, have to complete work in given time etc…
          This is long gradual process done by higher authority (bureaucrats) and than given to lowest bidder.
          Please read exact copy of contract so that you get real idea about what are the terms and conditions government applied on bidder. So that you can add it in this article.

        • Bcoz this project is financed by Asian Development Bank… So in that condition , all 68 countries should take part in the tender process.. thats why We cant throw china co. out from this contrqct as it is a global tender bid

        • This project is implemented using AIIB funding. And certain guidelines to be followed while awarding contracts. I am a nationalist as much as the next guy. But we can’t make spontaneous decisions based on recent incidents. We need to plan for the future.

        • just for your info; this is a ADB funded project where no discrimination between the eligible nations.

      • waiting for reply of Adarsh comment :-). Shankaranayan’s statement itself influenced politically.
        But fact is that at govt is role model for public. In current situation any project should not be allotted to Chinese company, if allotted couple of month back must be breach now

        • 1. Are we in a position to execute such a project . 2. Don’t drag politics and individuals while wrong about such questions. If one lacs knowledge better keep quiet.

      • How did you say that this govt doesn’t work on bribes?.Did you make any investigation in to the tendering process? What about the latest medical scams in Himachal Pradesh and Ventilator scam in Gujarat? You may be a blind devotee of BJP. There are no holy cows in politics. Methods of corruption are different, and new ways are devised to extract money. What about electoral bonds and foreign contributions for political parties? Why such an amendment was made in the FCRA by Jaitely.? Don’t be blind to the realities , be sincere to the nation

      • Shankara, India is witnesing now how one can make fool to the entire public by just telling lie and fake nationalism. Even a small country like Nepal is dictating the terms with India!!!.It never happend before. Use your brain to study rather than becoming blind bhaktha. Each political party leader has got nick name and Modi is also not an exemption from that.

    • Amit, looks like you are a bit licker of the BJP. If this would had been Congress, you would had been all guns blazing.

    • Why not interest
      When govts can do anything in any manner in any matter. Why we can’t disqualify Chinese firm on any new technical ground ? But it seems YOU ARE CLOSING YOUR EYES FROM THE REALITY. Today I as a son of soldier am totally shocked. And this ground is sufficient that they have captured our land and killed our soldiers. But why they will bother ? They hv not lost their son. BRIBE BRIBE BRIBE NEWER WAYS OF BRIBING WILL DESTROY OUR COUNTRY.

      • yes tenders have L1 criteria , but that not all that they have. they could have release corrigendum , or additional technical qualification criteria or even commercial criteria, to ensure that chinese do not/could not participate.

        This ban Chinese moment may have picked up a pace now, but it is there since a long time.

        Or if nothing was possible, they still could have cancelled the tender, and re-float another tender for the same thing. But it would have taken longer time, but still it was possible. the tendering authority must have the balls & ‘will’ to do so..

        Seriously very very unhappy with this news.

      • We will become Atmanirbhar in Corona like Italy became after Chinese staff landed in their country.
        Should we as a country not be worried of this aspect? I feel, the award of contract could have been cancelled on this ground alone i.e. provided our Government sincerely believes in war cries of “Atmanirbhar”, “Make in India” etc. that India’s PM gives.
        Will we ever be Atmanirbhar with these types of actions from Government itself?

    • When will uneducated journalists stop linking everything with modi ?

      Iam not surprised a day may come if someone burps modi will be blamed

      • It’s not blaming Modi. I just want to say we can offer the contract to L2 considering China’s belligerence and ourselves getting atmanirbhar

      • Is it a news of a sole trader acquiring another sole trade to avoid Modi link? At a National level when an International company is involved,MEA gets involved too. It is not that they are free to accept contracts at a time when there are border tensions. In a war like situation, India has every right to reject this proposal and award it to second lowest bidder.

    • Mr Amit, I am not trying to blame anyone or targeting to link politics. My intension was to know public opinion. And the question is, all the bidders have vast experience then why this Chinese company when we are initiating towards ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’?

      • In China there is no L1 concept. They deside the agency and award the contract. If an Indian agency goes to China, they are awarded on face value and technical competence. No L1 business. No harm in throwing them out and learn to work hard.

          • This is what is to be changed. When the entire country unites for a cause with sheer determination, no one can stop that united power. Just look at Japan, it was completely destroyed in WWII but all they did was pledged to be known for quality and affordability, and so did it happen.

            How can India attain economic progress?
            1. Restricting terms of politicians for a maximum of 2 contestations only.
            2. It’s often taught in high schools, During British rule, India was ruled by dividing people in name of religion. European countries who once clashed in name of religion, today have attained economic progress because they ensured to keep their religion and personnel benefits behind in their home and pledged to work for their nation. This trend has to be seen in India too.
            3. Citizens too should realize their responsibilities towards nation.
            4. Private organizations, corporates too should work for the upbringing of the living standards of the society.
            5. Indian people shouldn’t fall for the western culture of consumerism but lead a simple swadeshi life, empowering Indian companies. This will reduce our economic dependence on foreign nations, save our resources and reduce harm on the environment drastically.

            If this happens, India can become self-reliant and a global player by the end of 2050 and yet will be known for its simplicity.

            It’s late but not too late, India has the potential of being a global leader.

      • STEC is already working in India. They have JVs with Indian companies.

        Is the tender just opened? Or has the contract been awarded and PO issued? There is generally at least a one month gap between tender opening and awarding of contract which is done after scrutinizing all clauses in the tender including make in India.

        I’m sure a lot will be debated before awarding such contracts since L2 is within 10%.

        Your article is vague and states that Modi Govt awarded the contract!!!!

        Where are contracts awarded instantly by the Prime Minister?

        You must stick to the principles of journalism. Do Thorough research and write an unbiased report.

      • Please bear in mind that L&T already have Rs 1793 Crore civil contract for Delhi-Meerut highway construction. The Chinese have only bid for 5.6 km of tunnelling work. It is better not to have all your eggs in one basket. There is also a question of delivering a project on schedule. How much of L&T bid was Indian? It is quite possible that even L&T would have procured some Chinese help to complete the project. Back door entry, as someone pointed out.

      • Madam,
        There is nothing wrong in what you did. Congratulations.
        There would be many saying don’t expose our hypocracy. That itself is reason to do it.

      • simply because that chinese company is a eligible bidder and lowest among the bidders. Cant you understand simple things.

    • No offense to your experience and education. Here we are not concerned about the technicalities of tenders and sorts. The simple question is even if it was an earlier processe ;Seeing the quality, the response during the crisis time and diplomatic issues. It should be given to an Indian company where the credibility is more. And there should be WALK THE TALK. As simple, had it been China, the contract could never be given to India.

    • I agree. It is a long process to place a tender. However in my opinion since STEC having JV with L&T for Mumbai metro line, they might have considered resource & execution help from L&T, which may be part of their project report. Surprising to notice is that, L&T is the 2nd lowest bidder in this project with a difference of 43.11cr.

    • Well a reply from civil engineering in CPWD .yes you are right that L1 contract is opened in name of STEC and in a transparent manner but the organisation also has power to contract L2 bidder on case of any risk assessment done over past billings of L1
      So its not necessary to give contract to STEC they can offer it to L&T

    • Had china followed any protocols or ruled while serving corona virus on platter on all countries so why we have to follow the rules . We can straight away say that because of China’s unethical and in humanitarian practices the project can not be given to them. We can even stop a running project. Low bid and low quality that is what china delivers. Chinese products are cheap like china .useless chinese

    • iNDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS had given room to CHINA inside INDIA despite the danger EXPANSIONIST CHINA poses to India and rest of the world.You will never know how STEC has infiltrated into india. Do not believe any thing that comes of china as a rule.When Present govt underwrites even 1% of 85000 crore of 8000 defaulters amounting to 850 crores is 200 times 45 crore difference between STEC and L&T.some in the bid evaluators are even ready to sell india piece by piece to china.They should be extracted .

    • Madam this is strong government first all thives were leading government. So when this God is doing nonsense then we as a bhakt must ask na

    • Lovely bro. The incident at border happenes after the contract was done. But here after we will not be taking China into consideration for trade.

    • Lol considering your thought process i can understand that u will say all good about modi govt..Mr.Andbhakt considering your angle of reply then do not boycott any Chinese product..Idiot..
      Finding fault in the article..

    • When was this awarded ? Did you check that before commenting before or after the comment made by pm.

      See the point is when you have made up your mind all you need is a straw to hold on to it.

  2. But Mr. Amit, one who is talking about AATM NIRBHAR BHARAT, is doing such a silly thing, shouldn’t it be condemned? Why did you say that don’t relate it to politics. You are just a civil engineer , but before that you are an Indian , you should be clear about everything happening inside or at our borders, it may take a long time for you to understand the money making schemes and bullshit show-off of our politicians.

      • How ? all big indian companies are importing Chinese goods, why can’t stop a countable number of COMPANIES INSTEAD OF stopping and blaming 135 cr public. These companies buy Chinese products not the public. TATA BAJAJ HINDWARE MANY MORE SUCH BIG COS. THEY BUY AND SELL TO PEOPLE.

    • This Neha has only one thing in mind, to tarnish the image of Modi. She has no idea that the project is internationally funded, nearly 51.5%., main contributor being ADB. Hence it is mandatory to bid a global tender, and award project to KE, if all criteria met.

  3. Whatever the process may be, if Chinese are killing our soldiers then such contracts need to be nullified and immediately stop any commercial relations with china

  4. What so ever be the reason , this is a bitter truth that we want to use Indian made rather than of cheeni. But I guess , the govt should eradicate this reservation system at Thea earliest so that India can really become the self reliant.

    We all says we love India, but we don’t have the zeal in our actions to promote #Indian made only.

    Btw. I am also an civil engineer

    • If we come forward to do what u say one or two madarchods will spoil the work for just some money. This ritthi Riwaj of ghadar is going on in all the world n places which first we have to clean. These weeds in the farm are spoiling the harvest at last.

      • You name has the Prophet (PBUH) and his beloved Grandson’s name both, phir bhi aap gali de rahe hain. Apke siwa is post me kise ne gaali nahi di

  5. When you ask common people who have limited income to refrain from purchasing Chinese goods which are cheaper than the Indian option, how could our Government hide behind the reasoning that the Chinese firm had the lowest bid. Shame on the whole lot who are supporting it. So much for the call on Aatm nirbhar.

  6. We are gifting crores to the Chinese who have murdered lakhs of people all over the world by Chinese manufactured Virus.
    Killers of Indian soldiers at Ladakh border are awarded this huge contract.Why , Why and Why ???

  7. Economic sanctions have always been used as political tool so such an action against China is warranted.For such an big contract we could have saved foreign exchange outgo and maintaine atamnirbharta as Land T is homegrown and has expertise not withstanding 40 cr gap a mereless than .5 perception and message would have been clear and a tribute to our soldiers

  8. The trolling is a paid practice of andhbakats. Think of nation not of a person or a party. China is bullying us from Arunachal to Nepal n J&K.

  9. TATA should have been given the project. Make in India should be done in every single level, from top to bottom.

    Government should endorse Make in India, if it wants public to endorse the same.

    Same goes with 5g technology. Our own indigenously made 5g technology developed by IIT Chennai should have been endorsed by the government.

    We are hopeful, that the government will work towards the empowerment of our country

  10. We should not give any contract to Chinese companies..
    That also in such times.

    They r killing our Soldiers and we r giving them contract s

    • Business one side and politics other side and also better we think about global

    • Had it been awarded to L&T, then your article would have been that ‘despite a lower bid in place tge contract is awarded to the next higher…’
      These are global tenders and the entire process of qualifying criterian, gloval bidding, qualification of bids, technical comparision etc. etc. takes lot of time and is a long process. If Indian Governemnt awards contract to the L2 this way, the credibility is lost abd no good company take interest. This is not as easy as writing an article.

  11. Make in India started 4 years back…now renamed as Atam Nirbhar India…..we can see ground realities from this contract.
    Just to make everyone Pappu under the umbrella of Pappu.

  12. This is what Chinese do worldover . They underbid international projects by hacking the computer system of the tender floated by companies to know price of competitor and and under bid their own contract. I am surprised Indian government fell for this even after knowing their hacking practice.

  13. Global Contracts are given as per international guidelines. Hence Global tender Special conditions need to redefined for eligibility criteria. Those countries should not be eligible which are provoking war against the Tender Inviting Nation.
    Now as the contract has been bagged by Chinese firm, Nobody should do subcontracting with them. No local support to be provided for resources required for the project. ( like labour, water, sand, etc. ). Hotel should ban their visiting officers. Total noncooperation to Chinese firm is must. This will be our real condolences for our brave soldiers. On border our army fights with bullets, we must attack Chinese wallet

  14. This is Modi’s Aatm Nirbhar Bharat….!!
    I was a BJP supporter but not i hate this party because they say something and do something else.

  15. Why does the issue of being Atmanirbhar arise only when there is is agression from Chinese side..Amit,you meant to say that to be Atmanirbhar,was not necessary 5 months back… Now, it’s important…What is this HYPOCRISY….

  16. China can also go for soul searching self reliant no Bharat role and cast aside L and T, Tata and other Indian players. It is a paradox in the face of Chinese unethical and ultra-military transgression. But for the time being certain economic considerations cannot b overlooked in global trade. But Commerce Ministry has to cross all stops and reduce our gigantic trade imbalance with China. For this people of India, incl the Indian agents or contractors who play for Chinese, have to sacrifice in materialism and megalomania. This is specially in the passion of youth for Chinese electronics and gizmos. It has to b a strategic call in economics though it is easier said than done. Our Diplomats lack commercial acumen. Many countries are short of labour. The Chinese co. must b in the know of our cheap labour, raw materials and now flexible labour policy. Moreover there is no dearth of insiders who work for Chinese. We have to develop our industrial base as per world class standards and stop boasting of bighas of agricultural lands and soft power. Industry does not include defence and electronics industries. China is not an oil country and so we should dovetail our plan more strategically. Let us learn business.

  17. Let us accept that we are not totally self- reliant as we don’t design in India. Even if we give contract to Indian company ,they will get the design from some foreign company.
    Even our IITs are not competent at phd level. Most IITians go abroad for phd. Our education system needs more quality and practical oriented.
    All our policies are votebank based .

  18. Sub-contracting and further Sub-contracting to Chinese tenderer locally do create sales generations, economic activities and jobs. Tomorrow Chinese can also locally black paint L and T or NBCC and create problems in implementation of the projects. So, let us think from 360 degree before jumping to any foregone or imaginary conclusion as concerns any voluntary embargo or disowning Chinese contractor. The enemy knows how enemy thinks. As for dollar outgo it is not incumbent on the client to agree to make payment only in dollar. Today some countries are accepting local currencies. Recently Iran accepted Indian Rupee for oil. The Russians have also resiled from rigidity and are bit flexible in accepting our currency. The dollar is also under challenge with increasing bilateralism or regionalism which is an easy short cut to long drawn multilateriasm which is never ever 100 pc multilateriasm with renegades here and there.

  19. First of all, it should not have been International competitive bidding. There are many companies in India who have capacity n technology to handle projects of this size. Special considerations should have been provided in the contract under AATMA NIRBHAR scheme to make only Indian firms eligible for such contract.

  20. Quoting from above article
    “NCRTC PRO, Sudheer Sharma said to Metro Rail News that this not confirmed yet, that Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co. (STEC) got this contract, officials are figuring it out and announce the report soon.”
    If nothing is confirmed, how do it is being claimed that Chinese company got contract.
    The cost alone is not sole criterion for awarding contract.

  21. PM selected the lowest that’s how it goes globally as well Chinese or Pakistani or Afghani or Saudi we give contract to lowest bidder

  22. PM selected the lowest bidder as per rule of bidding and contracts same goes globally as well when it comes to contracts and tenders country is irrelevant lowest bidder is preferred our PM is right

    • I believe the project is funded byADB and incase of ICB all partner country of ADB is allows to participate tender and execute contract
      However in current scenario GOI must scrap the bidding or award to contract to chineese Co on the ground of national security and ask L2 indian bidder to match the price and thereafter release the contract

      National security is more important and provision are available in contract process ,, NCRTC should not ha wait opend peace bis of chineese co

  23. Let’s hope government will (should) address this issue immediately, without much pros and cons, in unforeseen changed & compelling situation to restrain Chinese penetration in each field in India, in order to check expansion of mighty Chin.

  24. Both the national parties preach the public something and do opposite.The present govt talks of made in India but actions and trade deficit figures gives different picture.
    It is total sell out .

  25. As per writer this is not yet confirm that this project is awarded to chines company..then what is the reason to put forward this issue if writer herself is not know about the confirm news..just to produce chaos..

  26. Very happy developmemt in my india that intelligent and motherhood conscious people started defending for country when otherside write something wrong or irrelevet to prove themselves as SELF STYLED INTELLIGENTS.those ssi were ruling this country since immomorial even such traces are existing in pre independence.journalists are great if they really want to present facts for public guidance.if they are liars,money makers,or support their egos then problem comes.But every one has to remember that WE HAVE TO ANSWER BEFORE ALMIGHTY AFTER OUR FAREWELL HERE.pl report consciously and her take a place in the hearts of people.modi ji doing something single handed ly without any self.bharath mata choose him to serve with commitment.his actions will be enjoyed by next generation.pl be truthfu.thanks

  27. Contract can be awarded to an Indian firm whose work is always better than Chinese performance, eg compare Indian rail roads with poor infrastructure made by Chinese in African countries. Only factor is to check commercial terms well before award to keep cost within budget. L&T have excellent work quality but tricky commercial terms. Overall, Indian works are better, more so under present conditions & close proximity to Delhi & defense establishments

  28. First of all everyone should know that the contract was not yet awarded. They are only L1. Govt can at any point of time can cancel the whole bidding process or can award contact to L2 also.
    Govt never said avoid Chinese products, and can never be able to do so because of being a member of the WTO. Present govt is doing it’s best to safeguard the interests of public and the nation within the frame work of international laws. We are not a communist country

  29. Considering the blatant aggression by China, where India’s genuine right in Ladakh, GOI can take a decision that in interest of India and security concern of our country, a Chinese firm can be excluded and L1 from remaining there firm’s can be given the contact. Further, the L2 can be given an opportunity to do the same at the rate quoted by the Chinese firm. Plus many states in order to encourage local firms give 5% advantage to local firms. GOI can also take such policy decision. One would look foolish if in light of Make in India policy and completely illegal aggression of China to consider a Chinese firm for work.
    Our is the GOI to frightened and doesn’t have to reject a Chinese firm.
    When Sardarl Patel’s statue was done no tender was thought to be necessary and in Rafael deal every norm was violated, why on genuine ground and concern a Chinese firm cannot be rejected. For how can you entrust your development to an enemy state.

  30. There is a provision that offers price preference of 10-15 % to local firms. There is also a provision to ask L2 whether they can match or lower their bid below L1 bid and offer it to L2.

  31. This is not a way promoting made in India the contract should have been given L/T after all there was not between the two a mere 40 to 50 crores . I feel ashamed the way this government is working saying one thing doing another. When Will Indian companies will get the confidence of working in India. This contract should have been eligible Indian companies. Common India wake up

  32. What happened to Atma Nirbhar Abhiyan? Even if the L&T bid was a bit higher, they deserved to get the contract more than any Shanghai company.

  33. Leave aside all the politics. The difference of quoted amounts between STEC and L&T is approximately 44 crores. The government should have either discussed, negotiated with L&T to bring the price close STEC prices. This would have encouraged L&T as an Indian company to award the contract.
    It would have helped in a way ‘Make in India’
    Frankly, worth a risk of paying 44 crores to Indian company than a Chinese company.

    • Just because it is an Indian company, govt cant do as it pleases. That kind of collusion will discourage other foreign players to enter the Indian market. I think people are missing the point of Atma Nirbhar. You can’t be self-sufficient if you don’t have any expertise or technology. India does not have everything at the moment. We have to learn and adapt from before being self-reliant. And it is an international bid for a project implemented with international funding.

  34. Govt. Need to revisit and cancel the contract. Let it be awarded to the organisation having connections with China. Nothing bigger than National Pride. We should not bother about the price to be paid on account of agreement clause, if any.

  35. we always keep saying”Boycott chinees products”. But i want to ask people, Is it possible? let’s have some examples
    yesterday i installed broadband connection. i was pretty happy with the connection speed but i found the modem was chinees. i.e ZTE manufacturer. Then i started looking for modems from indian manufacturer and found nothing on google.
    The mobile i am using is chinees and also more than 60% mobile users are using chinees company’s cellphones.
    So what i want to explain is that it is not the duty of common man to boycott chinees products wgich are enormously present in the indian markets. but it is the duty of the govt to ban the entry of chinees products into the indian marke, then only people will be able to boycott. if govt will not help people then how will people be able to help the govt. what kind of ‘Atma Nirbhar’ it is?.
    where is make in india?

  36. Mumbai metro project is under execution by JV between STEC & L &T. That time L&T was not qualified for tunnel job. So they done JV with Stec.
    L&t is also pay lot of bribes. Don’t think they are clean.

  37. All politics aside, in the present new era of “atmanirbharta” L&T could have been easily chosen by allowing a premium of 44 crore which was just 4% higher than L1 ! L&T is a pure Indian born company and employs full Indian staff and workmen only.

    Such things are done quite often in Govt. and Corporate world, due to one reason or the other. This time it could have been this reason.

    It would have given big boost to “atmanirbharta” and sent a clear message to China, at a meagre cost of only 4 % of the contract value.

  38. India has international trade obligations to comply with WTO regulations. No we are not a banana Republic. If this was a global tender, most likely, and the bidding parties have complied with all requirements, then Indian company has to award the contract as per tender conditions. No you need to declare China an enemy country before pulling out out of trade and other obligations. We are not a rogue State. Indians individually and voluntarily boycotting Chinese products is one thing and the suggested government boycott is entirely different.

  39. Dont any one get suspicions of diff in amount between L1 and L2? Is that diff worth awarding contract to chindi company? When local companies will get exposure if our own contracts going to others? How chindi companies managing winning contract with narrow margin? This contract fails on every count.

  40. On side Indian said Vocals for Local, another side Chain company involved in our mejor project.
    Message should be cleaned to Chain and we should proud to be an Indian.
    Contract should have given to L&T.

  41. Hi I don’t know much about politics neither I know how the tenders work I just heard my PM saying be vocal for local buy local brands and promote indian products and this was told in an address to the nation on the national television and then there were things told from their IT cell that delete Chinese apps don’t use Chinese products products and all sorts of things when infact we all know that Chinese products are the cheapest and pocket friendly but still you still want us to buy local products which are expensive and you as a government are not will to promote our own local companies the difference between L1and L2 is 44cr we can spend thousands of cr on statue’s but I guess you people know better I’m just a normal guy with very less knowledge about all this what’s going on but wrote what I felt

  42. I think first you need to understand how the procedure of Bidding happens in government tenders.
    When tender opens to bid at that time government specify criteria about which companies can apply (On basis of past work experience, Working capacity, yearly turnover etc…).
    In tender there can be some criteria like company who get contract needs to use men power (Labour etc.) from india, have to complete work in given time etc…
    This is long gradual process done by higher authority (bureaucrats) and than given to lowest bidder.
    Please read exact copy of contract so that you get real idea about what are the terms and conditions government applied on bidder. So that you can add it in this article.

  43. Why it could not be L&T same quote received from them only for 56Cr more then Chinese. Chinese could not be held & accountable for after sales, services & quality.

  44. If chinese can do aggression and kill our soldiers, surely the government of india has authority to cancel a contract which was in favour of aggressor. What is more important, the sovereignty of our nation, or awarding a contract as per due process??

  45. I believe the project is funded byADB and incase of ICB all partner country of ADB is allows to participate tender and execute contract
    However in current scenario GOI must scrap the bidding or award to contract to chineese Co on the ground of national security and ask L2 indian bidder to match the price and thereafter release the contract

    National security is more important and provision are available in contract process ,, NCRTC should not ha wait opend peace bis of chineese co

  46. How India will become Atam-Nirbhar.. Even today if we will not open our eyes and understand Chinese bullshit intentions to rule on the world… their tacties to sell low cost products and services and gain huge businesses from world… If you go back to history, you will find that foreigners come India for trading and finally sat on Indians head and ruled India… Same China is doing.. and we are allowing China to rule country by accepting his business tacties. May we want again that history repeats… China is destroying the economy of the world, murdering innocent people in world by spreading Viruses like COVID… When will ww open our eyes and boycott such tacties.
    I think ever little bit on higher costs Indian companies are providing services, we all Indian should support our entrepreneurs and specially don’t buy Chinese products. Yes Indian entrepreneurs should come in front to enhance their manufacturing in the fields INDIA is lacking. In this way Indian people will get the jobs too.

  47. I think not only India but the world cannot survive without China’s support. I will take some time for any country to become Atmnirbhar

  48. Is the lowest bid the only criteria to award a contract ? I am sure that is not the case and technical competence should also be a criteria. So why award the contract to the lowest bidder ?

  49. Citing unemployment, economic & security reasons all future contracts be given to wholly owned Indian companies. This boost the morale of Indian firms & also set an example of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Everything must begin from the Government side as it give employment, increase expertise so that in future Indian firms can bid globally. In this time of pandemic lot of educated unemployment has been created, it will create a chance of employment if both blue collar and white collar workers.

  50. Rohit, Leave a tendering document apart, even every project handling persons are aware. As per your theory Reliance had huge experience in flight making than experienced HAL are what?. Jingoistic goofing never sustain for long term.

    Even most of the Paytm invested by China rather boycotting still our channels are happily promoting it. Vivo IPL promoter. The list goes lengthy.

    Just by poor and middle class uninstalling tiktok and stop eating noodles never become Self reliance.

  51. Rohit, Leave a tendering document apart, even every project handling persons are aware. As per your theory Reliance had huge experience in flight making than experienced HAL are what?. Jingoistic goofing never sustain for long term.

    Even most of the Paytm app is invested by China rather boycotting still our channels are happily promoting it. Chinese Vivo is IPL promoter. The list goes lengthy.

    Just by poor and middle class uninstalling tiktok and stop eating noodles never become Self reliance.

  52. Do we know all the reasons why they got the contract? I think it might boil down to this, do we wait until Indian companies can develop the ability to deliver in the given timeline & budget, could we trust our skills & technology? And beyond that, do we trust gov. if they make such decisions? If we are opposing this, do we have plan B to point to an Indian company that can deliver the given specs? What is our level of trust in budgetary or timeline requirements of the project?

    Do we know why it has to be always choosing between emotions or skills? We are great at getting passionate about not using Chinese products or Chinese apps, but why it has been ok for system allow them to continue to penetrate the local Indian market and why foreign products are able to win hearts clearly? It could be either because of the quality in time ( deliver quality in the given timeline, for the bigger contracts ) or the price ( 5 rupee toy to a poor man )

    I feel the contract should only go to the one who can deliver because remember; the end product is being consumed by the Indians only. Maybe if a deal is made in such a way that we are able to learn from it and if Indian resources are part of the project, this could be a great deal of learning for Indian companies. This is not going to be the first and last project of its kind, as other cities will need such tunnels as well and plenty of opportunities to do this locally going forward….

    Getting better at things, might be the only way out of this, we can’t keep appealing common man with loads of emotions every time they want to use a good product, we must get better to a point where we are able to compete…emotions don’t make up for incompetence. The question is, could we create a win-win deal where we could benefit from this contract and learn enough to take on such projects next time around. By shutting good products or contracts off, we might be turning our back to getting better and might be delaying a better future….

  53. Do we know all the reasons why they got the contract? I think it might boil down to this, do we wait until Indian companies can develop the ability to deliver in the given timeline  & budget, could we trust our skills & technology? And beyond that, do we trust gov. if they make such decisions? If we are opposing this, do we have plan B to point to an Indian company that can deliver the given specs? What is our level of trust in budgetary or timeline requirements of the project?


    Do we know why it has to be always choosing between emotions or skills? We are great at getting passionate about not using Chinese products or Chinese apps, but why it has been ok for system allow them to continue to penetrate the local Indian market and why foreign products are able to win hearts clearly? It could be either because of the quality in time  ( deliver quality in the given timeline, for the bigger contracts )  or the price ( 5 rupee toy to a poor man )


    I feel the contract should only go to the one who can deliver because remember; the end product is being consumed by the Indians only. Maybe if a deal is made in such a way that we are able to learn from it and if Indian resources are part of the project, this could be a great deal of learning for Indian companies. This is not going to be the first and last project of its kind, as other cities will need such tunnels as well and plenty of opportunities to do this locally going forward….


    Getting better at things, might be the only way out of this, we can’t keep appealing common man with loads of emotions every time they want to use a good product, we must get better to a point where we are able to compete…emotions don’t make up for incompetence. The question is, could we create a win-win deal where we could benefit from this contract and learn enough to take on such projects next time around. By shutting good products or contracts off, we might be turning our back to getting better and might be delaying a better future….

  54. why we always says “boycott chinese”, However we ouself develope them by awarding such a huge cost value project. or this is only for middle class peoples of India. We are ready to boycott the china then why not our government. If it will continue as same then it will be a big shame for us. we must permote our Indian Construction companies not chineese.

  55. Guys, let’s keep politics aside. Let’s speaking of international norms and economics.

    The project is funded by ADB, the Asian Development Bank which doesn’t allow the discrimination. But coming to economics, STEC has no roots of it in India; that being said it is a CCP company, which will never make a loss, but if awarded the tender will try to accomplish all the “MAKE IN INDIA” policy by ticking between the policies.

    Wonder how? All the workforce for the accomplishment of the project will be brought from China, all the machinery, different types of equipment, raw materials, and semi-finished materials such as concrete lining panels, electrification cables, security cameras (if any) will be coming from China.

    Do you know why? Because it has no operations of its own in India. They will wash their hands by saying that everything was made in India just by putting things together, hence the “MAKE IN INDIA ” goal was accomplished.

    What will we lose? We will lose the economic welfare of our own community.

    Wonder how?
    Well, then 1. Indian Government will not receive any tax as STEC is a foreign entity, and not Indian.
    2. None of the Indians will earn as none will be employed.
    3. None of the made in India products will be used, resulting in an increase in the trade deficit.
    4. In the long term, Indian companies cannot generate enough profits to survive.

    #Voice of India #Vocal for Local #Cheeni Kam

  56. Why do people in our country have to switch the topic of every discussion to Congress vs BJP, India vs Pakistan/China, Modi vs Rahul Gandhi etc? Even if it maybe totally off tangent and irrelevant to the context?


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