Varanasi Metro | State Govt. approves DPR of Varanasi metro rail project


Varanasi: The state government on Tuesday approved the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Varanasi Metro Rail Project.

According to the Senior PRO/LMRC, Amit Kumar Srivastava, the DPR will now be further sent to the central government for its approval. The state government had assigned Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRC) the responsibility of ‘Coordinator’ for preparation of DPR for Metro in four important cities of Uttar Pradesh including Kanpur, Varanasi, Meerut and Agra.
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LMRC in coordination with M/s RITES had finalised the DPR of Varanasi Metro in February, 2016 which was further reviewed by the government and has formally been approved by the state cabinet on Tuesday.

Housing and Urban Planning Department of UP government had nominated RITES Limited; a Government of India Enterprise for the preparation of DPR for Rail based Mass Transit System in Varanasi. The Varanasi Development Authority (VDA) was nominated as Nodal Agency and Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRC) was nominated as for Coordinating Agency for preparation of this study.
An MoA was signed between VDA and RITES on May 6, 2015 for carrying out the assignment. The ‘Draft Final Report’ was submitted on January 6, 2016. Meeting was held with LMRC officials towards finalisation of DPR on January 15 this year. A presentation on Draft Final Report was made to the Commissioner, Varanasi and stakeholders on January 28. The Draft Final Report was also presented to Dr. E. Sreedharan, Principal Advisor, LMRC on February 2. The ‘Final DPR’ incorporating all the suggestions received on Draft DPR was submitted on February 25, which was formally presented to chief secretary on February 29.
According to the DPR, the 29.23km metro rotes will have two corridors that include from BHEL to Banaras Hindu University (19.35km), and Benia Bagh to Sarnath (9.885km). There will be 26 stations including 20 underground and six elevated in the two corridors. Out of the total length, 23.467km will be elevated, while 5.768km will be underground. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 13,133 crore.


  1. Other Metro Projects also to be approved immediately for to develop infrastructure of the all city..


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