UPMRC to Conduct Online Written Exams for various Posts on 20-22 Jan 2020

Agra Metro Rail Project has got a loan of Rs.3860 crore (approx. 450 million Euros) from the European Investment Bank for constructing and implementing Phase-1 of the Metro Rail Project on December 15, 2021.
Image Source: Twitter

LUCKNOW (Metro Rail News): UP Metro Rail Corporation has released the revised date of online written exams (CBT Mode) against the recruitment advertisement No. LMRC/HR/Rectt/P/18/2019 dated 20th November, 2019, towards recruitment of various Executive and Non-Executive posts in Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (UPMRCL) for the Kanpur and Agra Metro projects.

The online written examination has now been scheduled on 20.01.2020 & 22.01.2020 for different cities and the candidates can view their date and centre of examination on their admit cards which would be available online.

The applicants must regularly check our official website (www.upmetrorail.com) for further information and updates in this regard.


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