Railway Board Approves DPR of Rs 418 cr Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro

According to the DPR, the Metro will connect four towns near Nagpur — Wardha, Bhandara Road, Ramtek and Narkhed

Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro
Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro

NAGPUR (Metro Rail News): The Railway Board has cleared the detailed project report (DPR) of proposed Broad Gauge Metro in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India linking the city to nearby towns is ready and will be submitted to the state government soon.

Dr. Brijesh Dixit, Maha Metro said that We had made a presentation before the railway minister on October 9. The Board has cleared it in seven weeks, for which we are grateful.

After approving the project, the railway board has asked zonal offices of Central Railway (CR) and South-Eastern Central Railway (SECR) to draft concession agreements for the proposed Broad Gauge Metro in Nagpur.

“We will sign these agreements with the two agencies. Our officers will soon go to Mumbai and Bilaspur to help their officials in preparing the agreements. Once the agreements are signed, we will purchase the coaches,” said Dr. Dixit.

Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro Project Cost

According to the detailed project report (DPR) prepared by Gurugram based consultancy firm, Urban Mass Transit Company (UMTC), the cost of the Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro project is estimated to Rs 418 crore. The trains will cost Rs 200 crore, fare collection system Rs11.64 crore, information technology (IT) infrastructure Rs 15 crore, construction of car shed, station up-gradation and passenger amenities Rs 23.12 crore, pre-operative expenses Rs 4.97 crore,
station integration (BG Metro and Nagpur Metro) Rs 25 crore, depot Rs80 crore and taxes Rs 48 crore. 70% of this amount will be debt while 30% will be equity from state and central governments.

The maximum design speed will be 200km per hour and the operating speed will be 160 kmph.  The trains will have three cars having a total carrying capacity of 885 passengers. The three cars with passenger capacity are – driver motor car 285, trailer car 315 and car train 285.

Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro Routes Map

According to the DPR, the Metro will connect four towns near Nagpur — Wardha, Bhandara Road, Ramtek and Narkhed. The distances and stations on these routes are Wardha (78.8 kilometres, 12 stations), Narkhed (85.53km, 11), Ramtek (41.6km, 8) and Bhandara Road (62.7km, 11). The travel time between Nagpur and these towns will be: Wardha 1.10 hours, Narkhed 1.15, Ramtek 1 hour and Bhandara Road 55 minutes.

Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro Fares & Travel Time

Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro Fares Travel Time
Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro Fares & Travel Time

The cost of the Metro tickets will be 1.38 times the railway fare. The minimum fare for distances up to 5km will be Rs 20 while that above 70km will be Rs 90. Monthly pass tickets will range from Rs 400 to Rs 1,800.

The travel time between Nagpur and these towns will be: Wardha 1.10 hours, Narkhed 1.15, Ramtek 1 hour and Bhandara Road 55 minutes. The cost of the Metro tickets will be 1.38 times the railway fare. Fare structure will be:

Nagpur Broad Gauge Metro Expected Ridership

The total ridership is 14,700 expected of the Metro in 2021 including various routes is Wardha 5,669, Narkhed 2,616, Ramtek 3,929 and Bhandara Road 2,556. The maximum design speed will be 200 kilometres per hour and the operating speed will be 160 km/hr.

The trains will have three cars having a total carrying capacity of 885 passengers. The three cars with passenger capacity are driver motor car 285, trailer car 315 and car train 285.

Initially, MahaMetro has been asked to buy six set of trains. Another two should be purchased in 2041 when the traffic increases. The depot will be constructed in Khapri while the stabling line (where trains are parked at night) will be at Ajni. UMTC has recommended that Nagpur Metro’s automatic fare collection (AFC) card should be used for buying tickets for BG Metro. UMTC has also recommended widening of footpaths near Nagpur and Ajni railway stations. It has stressed that feeder bus service should be provided for BG Metro users.



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