Metro Rail News believes that quality article writers must be paid generously…!
Scheme overview
This scheme is formulated to give online editorial opportunities to freelance writers, working professionals, engineering and management students, and research associates to get paid work on part-time weekend project basis and to collect quality articles for metro rail newsreaders.
Compensation & payment mode
Rs.2000.00 or equivalent currency per article. The payments will be released on the last day of the month for the article we accepted & approved for publication.
Word limits
We don’t care about the number of words as long as the quality is maintained. We have seen & written quality articles in the range of 2500 to 5000 words. It’s up to you how you put together your words to complete an awesome article.
Topic & duration to complete the article
Every fortnight the registered member will receive article topics in their registered e-mail box. They have to submit a quality article on relevant topics within 21 days from the date of announcement of topics.
Rules, terms & conditions
- Articles should be accomplished with relevant high-quality photographs/graphics. Appropriate caption and source should be given on the images.
- It’s the responsibility of the author to include the snapshots, videos, images and reference links.
- Give due credits if the author is mentioning someone’s work or re-using someone’s art material (text, image, video etc.).
- A person can send one article on each topic. Multiple articles on the same topic will not be allowed.
- Only the original works will be published. Any attempt to publish copied content will be discarded, and the defaulter will be banned from the list of part-time weekend project members.
- All communication shall be made via e-mail to the author against the selection or rejection of the article.
- Metro Rail News reserved its rights to publish selected articles on one or more websites or magazines. However, due credits will be given to author.
- No payment will be released for rejected articles. Authors can use their content anywhere they wish.
- The decision of Metro Rail News Editorial Team will be final and binding.
If agree with the above terms & conditions, please click here to register online for part-time weekend editorial project work.
In case of any query or clarification, please write to