New Principal Chief Engineer of South Eastern Railway

He has travelled extensively and undergone international training in Milan, Italy, and his contribution to Civil Engineering over Indian Railways is noteworthy, vast and varied.

New Principal Chief Engineer of South Eastern Railway
New Principal Chief Engineer of South Eastern Railway

KOLKATA (Metro Rail News): Shri Vijay Kumar Panjiar has taken over as Principal Chief Engineer, South Eastern Railway (SER). Before taking over the charge as Principal Chief Engineer, SER, Shri Vijay Kumar Panjiar was Senior Deputy General Manager of the same railway. Shri Panjiar, IRSE (Indian Railway Service of Engineers) of 1988 Batch joined Indian Railways in the capacity of Assistant Engineer, Eastern Railway (ER) in 1990.

Shri Vijay Kumar Panjiar, an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University, did his graduated in Civil Engineering. Shri Panjiar has worked in different zonal Railways viz. ER, Metro Railway; North Eastern Railway; SER in various capacities as Senior Divisional Engineer (Coordination); Deputy Chief Engineer (Planning), Deputy Chief Engineer (Construction); Chief Engineer (Construction); Chief Project Manager/Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited; Chief Engineer/Track Maintenance; Senior Deputy General Manager. He has also worked as Divisional Railway Manager, North Eastern Railway, Varanasi (Banaras).

He has travelled extensively and undergone international training in Milan, Italy, and his contribution to Civil Engineering over Indian Railways is noteworthy, vast and varied. In addition, he has a keen interest in sports, photography, railway history and heritage, as well as socio-cultural activities.


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