New Business opportunities in Metro Rail Sector

Shri Durga Shanker Mishra is a 1984 batch I.A.S Officer of U.P cadre. He is the current Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary of India. He is also the chairman of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

Secretary, MoHUA, Shri Durga Shankar Mishra speaks at Indo- Spain Business forum on 22nd April 2021
Secretary, MoHUA, Shri Durga Shankar Mishra speaks at Indo- Spain Business forum on 22nd April 2021

NEW DELHI (Metro Rail News): Durga Shankar Mishra complimented embassy of Spain for organizing the PAN India business forum. He has mentioned various aspect of collaboration and Investment in India and also discussed the current state and the journey towards an Aatmanirbhar Urban Transport Sector.

The explanation include various avenues of collaboration & investment opportunities in the urban transport sector between the two countries with a special focus on “Smart Mobility”, especially in the Metro Sector.

Durga Shankar said, “In fact, in the last 6-7 years the country has emerged as a country of opportunities where a lot of investments are possible and has created an ecosystem where the new technologies, the innovation can come in and they can find a place as Make In India investment and later they can also be used for export outside. Under the metro our country started the first metro somewhere in the year 1984 but real significance improvement started in the year 2002.

When the first metro rail was inaugurated in Delhi by the then Prime Minister ‘Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’ but till 2014 we had only 240 km of metro. In the last 6 year we have got 725km of metro operational. We have another 1000km of metro or RRTS under construction across the country in 27 cities.” Regional transport is going to stop on 16 stations on the way .we have recently come out with two different specification which is Metro Lite & Metro Neo basically meant for our Tier 2 cities or the outer area of Tier 1 cities and tier 3 cities which are costing around Metro Lite cost 40% and Metro Neo cost around 20 to 25% but they provide same kind of comfort, convenience, similar kind of riding experience punctuality etc. and gain to the environment.

Shri Durga Shankar then shared his proud experience visiting to Spain in 2018 Nov, after travelling in the Regional train and Metro train. He then appreciated the excellent job done in European continent and invited them to invest in Indian Metro Sector further explaining the benefits of cheap source of men power and growth opportunity in India both in Metro as well as 10 trillion dollar Economy growth in next 10 years.

Also requested to focus more in Make in India i.e. the technology should become the part of Indian technology. And investment could be done either in strategic form in collaboration with some existing companies or can bring fresh investment here for any kind of manufacturing whether it is in a metro coaches or assembling system, electrical system, civil engineering system or any kind of component which is required for this metro operation.


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