Nagpur: The decks have been cleaned for the proposed subway station on Zero Mileon Wardha Street. The large building of the fisheries department on the G + 2 floor has been completely demolished to pave the way for the building of the Metro G + 20 train station.
Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (Maha Metro) has demolished the fishing department building with the help of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) and other departments in recent days. Now there will be a next-generation metro train station with commercial stores, etc. along with a patrimonial walk.
The stone and the Zero Mile facilities have been neglected for years. The state government and also the Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT) had proposed the expansion and beautification of Zero Mile, but they could not succeed. The NIT in partnership with Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) planned a good project but had to stop with Maha Metro proposing its plan. Now, Maha Metro will use the spaces adjacent to Zero Mile for commercial purposes.
The Maha Metro official told Media that now the works can start at any time. “The design of the Metro Rail station and other works is ready.
Maha Metro in a press release said: “The modern subway station has become a multifunctional entity that integrates transport services with other consumer-related activities.” This concept has been accepted by Maha Metro for the Zero Mile station, which It would be 20 floors, huge structure, Heritage Walk would also appear at the station and it would be a luxury plaza, the station would be a place for shopping, entertainment, information, appointment and many other activities, “he said.
Maha Metro added that the landscaping will also be done in Zero Mile. “It would create a distinctive effect and would have characteristics such as the timeline wall, sculptures, etc. The aesthetic beauty of the station would be improved by the planting that will be undertaken there, and the shade fabric of the existing trees would be maintained. Special plants at strategic points and visual pedestrian corridors Efforts are being made to create a space for all age groups and communities by promoting a wide range of activities The objective is to invite citizens to meet, plan activities and exposures or just relax, identify the source of irrigation and the type of water that conserves the irrigation systems.Therefore, in the future, in addition to its geographical location, Zero Mile Stone would also be remembered for its subway station “, said Maha Metro.