Longest bridge on MAHSR corridor to be ready by June 2024

The trial run on the Gujarat section of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail corridor, will start in 2026 but services for the public will start by 2027.

Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train corridor
Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train corridor/ Image copyrights: NHSRCL

Gujarat (Metro Rail News): A 1.2 kilometer long bridge over the Narmada river in Bharuch city of Gujarat which will be the longest bridge on the 508 km Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train corridor will be completed by June 2024, National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) said on Wednesday, 13th April.

As per NHSRCL, a total of 20 bridges will be constructed under this project as the bullet train will cross over rivers like Narmada, Sabarmati, Mahi, Par, Kaveri, Purna Ambika, Daroatha, Daman Ganga, Kolak, Mindhola, Anuraga, Kharera, Tapi, Kim, Dhadhar, Vishwamitri, Mohar, Vatrak and Meshwa.”The longest bridge will be on Narmada followed by Tapi and Mahi which will be of around 720 meters. We are aiming to complete construction work of all bridges by June 2024,” Pramod Sharma, Principal Executive Director, NHSRCL said.
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He also informed that for the aim of construction of wells inside the Narmada river stream (water wells), two temporary Access Bridge of eight-meter width are being constructed in two parts with a gap of 60 meters between them for allowing navigation.”Narmada river has a tidal effect and it could have affected the construction work on the river. So we have constructed a temporary access bridge at a certain height to overcome the effect of rising water levels during monsoon. Now we can work round the clock the entire year,” he added.

On 12th April, SC Agnihotri, MD, NHSRCL said that the trial run on the Gujarat section of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail corridor, will start in 2026 but services for the public will start by 2027.


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