Kochi Metro To Organize “Metro Cyclothon-2021” In Association With CSML On Republic Day

  • KMRL in association with CSML is organizing “Metro Cyclothon-2021” on the Republic day, 26th January 2021, in Kochi. The theme for this event is “Healthy Mobility for Healthy Life”.

KOCHI (Metro Rail News): Cycling is one of the best ways to remain fit and healthy. It is the new craze that combines fitness with fun and allows us to maintain social distancing. KMRL intends to promote green mobility by encouraging cycling.

“To encourage cycling as part of healthy life style and mobility, Kochi Metro Rail Limited has already set up Bicycle Stands with parking and locking mechanism at its Metro Stations. KMRL along with CSML has plans to expand the Public Bicycle Sharing Scheme by adding around 1000 bicycles for commuters”, it has said.
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The citizens can participate in the “Healthy Mobility for Healthy Life” Metro Cyclothon 2021 event by registering on KMRL website which is absolutely free and is open till end of day 20th Jan 2021. The launch of the registration portal was done by the Managing Director Alkesh Kumar Sharma, IAS on 7thJan 2021. Public can participate in the event free of cost by registering in the portal. The registration portal URL is https://kochimetro.org . The participation is open to any healthy person of more than 10 years of age.

“Metro Cyclothon will start at JLN Stadium Metro Station and will end at the same station after pedaling approximate 12 KM along MG Road and the Metro corridor. The participants will be provided with water, snacks and breakfast and they will get certificates of participation”, according to a statement by the Kochi Metro.

“The proposed “Healthy mobility for Healthy Life” Metro Cyclothon 2021 will promote the idea of Non-Motorised Transport providing first mile connectivity to the prospective passengers and also the last mile connectivity. KMRL is already providing facilities to passengers to carry cycles in the metro train. This Metro-Cyclothon will encourage people to use cycles for mobility, stay healthy and promote green mobility.” said KMRL Managing Director Alkesh Kumar Sharma, IAS.


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