JAIPUR (Metro Rail News): As the festive season begins, the Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation (JMRC) has allowed metro travel with token tickets in a new move to attract commuters. Till October 14, only commuters with smart cards were allowed to avail the services of the city metro and the token travel was suspended in view of the ongoing pandemic. The decision came in response to the rising demand of the token travel system by several commuters and market associations.
The token commute is a type of current ticket system, where the travellers purchase a one-time ticket, paying a nominal fare. This practice was discontinued with the advent of the highly transmissible coronavirus. The plastic tokens were believed to be objects of high direct contact and their circulation posed a serious threat to the safety of the travellers.
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However, the token commute has started again with sanitisation equipment installed at the Mansarovar Station.
With the suspension of the token system, many non-daily travellers, who either can’t afford a smart card worth a base price of ₹100 or consider it of diminished equity had refrained from using the metro. This step is expected to increase the ridership of the city metro by 300 to 1000 passengers.