HSRC with other rail authorities decides to construct new tunnel


Ahmedabad: A new tunnel other than Metro underground tunnel will take shape beneath Kalupur Railway Station. This tunnel will be helpful as a subway for people taking trains.
The railway authorities with the High-Speed Rail Corporation of India Limited (HSRC) authorities had taken a decision to construct an underground tunnel. This will connect the 12 existing platforms.

This subway will not only be connected with the Ahmedabad-Mumbai High-Speed Railway Project and Ahmedabad Metro but will also be connected with all the platforms of the Indian Railways.

“HSRC authorities are planning to construct a tunnel that would connect all the Indian railway platforms of Kalupur Railway Station. There would be foot-over bridges, but the subway will be an additional facility,” said IP Gautam, Managing Director of Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA).

MEGA official also mentions that this subway will help people who suppose land at platform number one and want to board the bullet train. And the tunnel, though built by bullet train authorities, will not be for exclusive use of high-speed rail passengers.”
The multi-modal station will also have BRTS Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) connectivity also.

Further Mr. Gautum said that the Indian Railways will be on the ground, while the Metro will run 20 meters below the ground and the bullet train will be 20 meters above the ground. The Kalupur Station will also be connected to BRTS platform 1.

The foot-over bridges would have staircases, but the subway would be connected by escalators. HSRC authorities will have a to demolish the entire existing railway building and construct a new model station in accordance with the bullet train project, said senior official.


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