Gandhinagar | High-powered panel discusses terms and condition for MMTH tender

MMTH near surat railway station
MMTH near surat railway station

Surat: On 25 June Chief Secretary J N Singh with Gujarat Government chaired the meeting of a high-powered committee in Gandhinagar. The main aim of this meeting was to fix the terms and conditions of the tender for Multi Model Transport Hub (MMTH) which is to come up near Surat railway station.

In this meeting municipal commissioner M Thennarasan and officers of state government and Indian railways were also present.

About Multi Model Hub

A Multi Modal Transportation Hub (MMTH) is identified as a transport node, which integrates various modes of public transport systems as well as it is integrated with passenger transit based activities. The hub serves as a single system that enables seamless passenger transfers. The major advantages of MMTH are the shared resources and passenger facilities, which decrease the land use requirements while it increases overall capacity of the system. Developing a multimodal hub integrating the railway station, regional bus service, BRTS, IPT gives boost to the city’s public transport network and decreases its dependability on the private vehicles. Thus, it impacts by reducing city traffic congestion, pollution and increases safety on streets.

About Project Detail

Ministry of Railways (MOR) as part of its policy of redevelopment of railway stations across the country on Public Private Partnership (PPP) model has entrusted through Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) to ‘Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited’ (here in after referred to as IRSDC) the work of redevelopment of the Surat railway station as a Multi Modal Transportation Hub with modern passenger amenities with fund generated from commercial development on leasehold rights for 90 (ninety) years of the vacant railway land and air space at the railway station along with responsibility of management of the passenger facilities at the station including collection of revenues from shops, stalls and other activities on areas licensed at the station (Railway Station Development Project).

  • Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) – 3%.
  • Indian Railway Stations Develop Corporation (IRSDC) – 63%
  • Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) – 34%.

Following are the few photos of project site:-

With this objective IRSDC, GSRTC & SMC with the support and suggestion of Govt. of Gujarat adopted integrated approach and form project specific Joint Venture Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to develop the Railway and Bus terminals, BRTS, City Bus, Metro and other transportation modes as international standard multi-modal interchange facility and the entire area in the vicinity of railway station and regional bus terminal as a Multi Modal Transportation Hub (Multi Modal Transportation Hub project).

Total project land area for development of Multi-Modal Transport Hub at Surat Railway Station are:-

A. Railway Station Area 23,175
B. East side Railway Colony Area 61,776
C. Railway Yard Area 70,681
D. GSRTC 88,340
E. SMC 6080
F. Private Land** 4263

Aim of the project
On behalf of the proposed SPV, IRSDC intends to develop a Multi Modal Transportation Hub (MMTH) which shall integrate all public transport modes such as City Bus, Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS), State regional bus service, Metro Rail, Railways and intermediate public transport modes such as auto rickshaw and taxis. As part of the above, IRSDC seeks the participation of private entities for the Development of Multi Modal Transport Hub at Surat Railway Station including inter-alia all works related to, or incidental to, or required to be undertaken upon the project site in accordance with the provisions of the Development Agreement, and Applicable Laws, including the commercial development, as required to be undertaken (the Project) on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (the DBFOT) basis

About floor space Index
Out of the total permissible FSI for development of project, built up area to be reserve for Administrative Zone, Operational Zone, Passenger Facility Zone, Passenger Transfer/Transit Zone, and Infrastructure Zone that is minimum development obligation requirement shall be deducted and balance will be available for commercial infrastructure.

The meeting discussed on allocation of floor space index (FSI) to private developer of MMTH by Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC).They finally reached to the allotment of 3.6 FSI to private party.

An officer of SMC said that, “By granting 3.6 FSI, the private party would be able to come up with his own design and plan for the project. The private party, who constructs MMTH, also needs to recover the cost and that would be possible only if FSI of 3.6 is granted to him.”

On 27 June Prime Minister Narendra Modi will assess the progress of the MMTH in a meeting with officials concerned through a video conference.


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