DMRC appoints Systra MVA to provide CBTC consultancy services for Line 7 & 8

The DMRC has appointed Systra MVA for providing CBTC consultancy services for the construction work of Metro Pink Line(7) & Magenta Line(8) of Delhi metro rail Network.


NEW DELHI (Metro Rail News): DMRC has appointed Systra MVA for providing CBTC consultancy services for the construction work of Metro Pink Line(7) & Magenta Line(8) of Delhi metro rail Network.

DMRC had uncovered its plan in august 2019 to switch to driverless train operations on Line 7 & 8 from May 2020 by using a state-of-the-art signalling technology termed as communication-based train control. Shortly, DMRC is running an overall 81 6-coaches ‘RS10’ trains provided by the consortium of Hyundai Rotem and BEML Ltd on both corridors. However, the signalling system was provided by Bombardier and Nippon for both Line 7 & 8 respectively.

DMRC has floated a tender to execute the plan last year in August for engagement of Consultant for inspection & review of several Systems with regard to implementation of UTO work in Line 7 and 8 of Delhi Metro network Phase-III. Only Systra MVA has submitted their proposal to give the aforesaid consultancy services at a complete cost of approx regarding the tender notice.

Rs 21.16 cr with tax. The firm has quoted Rs 21,15,58,841.00 against the expected expense of operation Rs 8.55 cr by DMRC which is around 2.5 times the expected value of the work. Systra MVA proposal has been approved by the Tender Appraisal Committee of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation on 8th Jan and the financial bids were opened on the same day.

The trains on Line 7 & 8 is being operated in GOA2 mode since Feb 2018. As per the DMRC the Rolling Stock, Signalling, Traction, Track & Depot design are compliant for work in GOA 4 mode. Testing and Commissioning for UTO are continuing and the tentative target for work in GOA 3 is set for May 2020.

In the contract terms, Systra MVA will guide and provide basic valuable inputs, assist in the framing of many procedure orders pertaining to UTO and study of many systems as Operation Control Centre, Maintenance, Traction & OHE system, Power, Stabling Yard, Depot infrastructure, Operation, Rolling Stock, Permanent Way and Signalling for the overall implementation of UTO.

Further, Systra MVA will also study the current multiple systems, evaluate and suggest system-wise growth measures that are essential for the implementation of UTO, in accordance with international norms/global practice. Earlier implemented, Delhi Metro would be the 1st Metro Rail Operator to introduce like unattended train operation system in India.


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