Delhi Metro| Train arrangement during odd-even vehicle drive by Delhi Govt.


New Delhi: In view of the odd-even vehicle drive of Govt. of NCT of Delhi to be observed from 1st January to 15thJanuary 2016, the Delhi Metro will take the following measures to facilitate the traffic demand on its network:

From 1st January to 15th January, 2016, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) will run 3,192 total trips against 2,827 trips which it ran during the similar period in January, 2015.

DMRC will be using 198 trains daily to achieve these trips. Delhi Metro will be pressing into service the maximum number of trains possible operationally during this period keeping only the essential maintenance reserve.

According to spokesperson, DMRC will deploy additional shifts of Guards/Customer Facilitation Agents (CFA) at major Metro stations to help and guide commuters. Additional manpower will also be deployed to handle the increased load on the ticketing system.

Lines and stations will be monitored by control room and action to be taken to ensure that crowd is not built up at booking points, TVMs and security frisking points. Augmentation of manpower in DMRC Helpline No. 155370 to attend the increased calls.

On 28th August this year, DMRC had carried its highest ever ridership of over 32 lakhs with an operational fleet of 196 trains.


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