New Delhi: On 14 July by late evening large number of commuters awaited and trapped as Delhi metro between Janakpuri West- Botanical Garden (Magenta Line) was delay by 2 hour 30 minutes due to technical snag. This was time when most of commuters were returning from work place faced hard to reach to their home. there was water logged in most of surrounding area.
This the second incident occur in this month in same line, it was 25 December 2017 when first services was started from Botanical Garden to Kalkaji Mandir and on 28 May 2018 second phase services was started from Kalkaji Mandir to Janakpuri West. It is hardly one month completed and within short period two incidents occur which could largely affect the life of commuters. Now the main issue is that who is responsible for this, the main focused of Metro was to provide affordable and safe services to Delhiites but after the sudden fare hike it has neither affordable nor safe for commuters. If government cannot provide safe transport services then how commuters can trust on them. Delhi Metro is one of the largest metro networks in India, if it will suffer from technical snag then what will happen to other metro in India.
DMRC official said that, “the snag could have been triggered by the rain, but the exact cause has not been ascertained yet, and short loop services were run on both sides of the section i.e. Botanical Garden-R K Puram and IGI Airport-Janakpuri West”.
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation said, train operations were hampered due to a problem in the overhead electrical equipment (OHE), but it was clear if the problem was triggered by the heavy rains that lashed Delhi-NCR during that period.
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation spokesperson said that services were affected on the Magenta line due to some OHE problem between RK Puram and IGI Terminal-1 metro stations on the line around 4.10 pm. As a result a single line operation was carried out between RK Puram a IGI-Terminal-1 metro station, which caused the delay.