PATNA (Metro Rail News): Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and Bihar Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (BBOCWWB) jointly organised an Awareness and Registration Camp for construction workers working on different sites of the Patna Metro project here on Friday.
In this 2-day programme, workers were made aware of labour laws and rights at the Moin-ul-Haq Stadium campus.
They were informed of the programmes run in accordance with the 1996 Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act and 1996 Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, two laws of the Central Government. These Acts provide measures for the welfare, safety, and working conditions of construction employees.

Construction workers must register with and be a Member of the Bihar Buildings & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board to enjoy the benefits of the schemes of the Welfare Board.
In the camps organised at different sites, such as two Casting Yards at LCT Ghat, Fatuha, and Moin-ul-Haq Stadium, about 200 workers took part. Out of these, Aadhar Card was registered for more than 100 workers.
In addition, the Deputy General Manager (HR) of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Mrs Shweta Varma, informed workers about the entitlement to many lifetime facilities following the registration, especially the Pension Scheme in which Rs. 1000 (Rupees One Thousand) will be payable after completion of 60 years of age, after completion of five years of registration.
Additionally, information was provided about the working hours and weekly off, the Bicycle Purchase Scheme, the Tools Purchase Scheme, the Maternity and Paternity Benefits.
Along with the Provision of Child Care Rooms Where There Are Typically More Than 50 Women Workers, the Food and Refreshment Arrangements at the Minimum Price, the Medical Benefits, the Safety Equipment, Safety Helmets, the Safety Shoes, the Ensuring Use of Safety Net for Working at Heights, etc.
It may be noted that the Welfare Board of the State Government runs many welfare programmes for the welfare of construction workers. The State Government is authorised to levy a cess for these welfare programmes.
Therefore, 1% of the total construction cost levied as cess on construction works of State Government, Central Government, Semi-Government organisations and private commercial constructions is to be deposited with the Welfare Board. Shri Gulab Chandra Jha of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation and many other senior officers were in the camp.