Chennai Metro Archives 1 crore commuters in 4 Month

From January 2019 to May 14, 2019, around one crore commuters travelled by Metro rail


CHENNAI (Metro Rail News): The Chennai Metro Rail started its services in the city four years back and 3.81 crore people have used the service till now. 

According to the press release “Since the opening of the 45 km long last leg of Phase-1 between AG-DMS and Washermenpet was opened in February 2019, the footfall of passengers had gone up drastically. So far, a total of 3,81,03,799 passengers have travelled in Metro rail services between June 29, 2015, and May 14, 2019.

Official Said that the Availability of parking space at Metro stations and launch of many last miles connectivity like share auto and share taxi services has helped in an increase the patronage. Soon, all 32 Metro stations will have these facilities.

From January 2019 to May 14, 2019 around one crore commuters travelled by Metro rail.

January 2018 to December 2018 saw the maximum number of 1.43 crore passengers travel by phase 1 of Metro rail services.

On April 26, Metro rail services saw an all-time high as the ridership touched to a mark of 1,02,790 passengers on a single day.


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