Central Government approves Pune-Nashik Semi High-Speed Railway Line

The expected cost of the project is Rs. 16,039 crore. The total length of the corridor will be 235 km and passengers trains will operate at top speed of 200 km per hour

Pune-Nashik Semi High Speed Rail Train
Representational Image | Photo Copyright - Respective Authority

MUMBAI (Metro Rail News): The Central Government has approved the much awaited Pune-Nashik Semi High Speed Railway Project in Maharashtra. According to Chhagan Bhujbal, Gaurdian Minister of Nashik District, Government of Maharashtra, the central government has approved a proposal for the Nashik-Pune High Speed Railway project, which will give boost to the development of Nashik-Pune-Ahmednagar districts.

All the approvals have been received for starting this project and the work of this high speed railway line is being started expeditiously, he said while speaking at a review meeting on land acquisition of Nashik-Pune railway line held in the central hall of the Collectorate on Monday.

He informed that the project is expected to be completed in three and half years with land acquisition and the train will run at a speed of 200 kmph. The project will not only help in the development of three districts but also facilitate transportation of agriculture produce, he added.

For this project, 1300 hectares of land will be acquired in 101 villages from these three districts with proper compensation as per the government decision to farmers whose lands will be acquired for the project, the Minister Bhujbal said. He also said that along with these three districts, a proposal will be submitted to start Igatpuri to Manmad semi high speed railway line.

This Semi High Speed Corridor will reduce the travel distance between the two cities to 1 hr and 45 minutes from 6 hrs at present.
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The project will be executed by Maharashtra Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (MRIDC), an equal joint venture between the state and the railways.

The expected cost of the project is Rs. 16,039 crore. The total length of the corridor will be 235 km and passengers trains will operate at top speed of 200 km per hour while freight trains will operate at top speed of 100 km per hour. There will be 24 stations along with 18 tunnels and 19 viaducts on the route. It will be completed by 2024


  1. नाशिक पुणे हाई स्पीड रेल्वे मार्गात ” नांदुर शिंगोटे ” येथे रेल्वे स्टेशन नाही.
    नाशिक पुणे हाई स्पीड रेल्वे मार्गात नांदुर शिंगोटे येथे रेल्वे स्टेशन दिले नाही हा फार मोठा अन्याय नांदुर शिंगोटे सह परिसरातील जनतेवर होत आहे.
    नांदुर शिंगोटे येथे परिसरातील सर्वात मोठी बाजारपेठ असून विविध विभागाचे प्रशासकीय कार्यालये येथे आहे तसेच परिसरात मोठ्या प्रमाणावर शेती उत्पादन होत आहे, नांदुर शिंगोटे येथे क्रांतिवीर भागूजी नाईक यांचे जन्मस्थळ आहे तसेच परिसरात अनेक पर्यटन प्रेक्षणीय स्थळे मंदिरे आहे. परिसरात जवळ जवळ २०/२५ गावे असून त्यांची लोकसंख्या सुमारे ६० हजार ते ६५ हजार असुन नांदुर शिंगोटे येथे रेल्वे स्टेशन दिले नाही हा फार मोठा अन्याय नांदुर शिंगोटे सह परिसरातील जनतेवर होत आहे तरी नांदुर शिंगोटे येथे रेल्वे स्टेशन देऊन जनतेची गैरसोय दूर करावी अशी नम्र विनंती.
    मोहन दिवटे. नांदुर शिंगोटे. तालुका सिन्नर जिल्हा नाशिक. मोबाईल. 9595 16 2525


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