Dhaka: Bangladesh Railway (BR) awarded the Contract for Detailed Design & Construction Supervision Services for Rehabilitation of Kulaura ‒ Shahbazpur line of Bangladesh Railway. The Contract Agreement between Bangladesh Railways and Balaji Railroad Systems Limited (BARSYL), was signed on 13th August 2015 in Dhaka.
The Design and Supervision contract is valued at Rs. 20.00 crores and is planned to be completed in 30 months. BARSYL has been working on various assignments of Bangladesh Railways for nearly 10 years now, but this is the largest assignment by value that has been awarded to BARSYL independently in Bangladesh.
The Government of Bangladesh has embarked upon a project for Rehabilitation of Kulaura ‒ Shahbazpur MG railway section with a view to establish regional connectivity with India. Kulaura ‒ Shahbazpur Bangladesh ‒ Mahishasan (India) rail link was established in 1910 and train operation after 1971 in Kulaura ‒ Shahbazpur section continued upto 06 July 2002. Due to repeated incidents of derailment, the Kulaura ‒ Shahbazpur section was declared closed on 7 July, 2002. In recent times Bangladesh government has taken the initiative to gear up the Railway sector and this project is one of the integrated components of the development programme planned to revitalize Bangladesh Railways.
The implementation cost of the Kulaura‒Shahbazpur section has been estimated at Rs. 575crore and will be implemented under financial assistance of Indian Line of Credit.