Associations emphasise the importance of public transport in tackling climate change

public transport in tackling climate change
public transport in tackling climate change

EUROPE (Metro Rail News): The International Union of Railways, International Association of Public Transport & European railway suppliers’ association UNIFE have invited for ‘a new sense of urgency’ in developing a more sustainable transport mix, arguing that decision-makers should look forward the Covid-19 pandemic without forgetting that ‘the rising danger’ of climate change ‘has not stopped during the crisis’.

The organisations said in a joint statement on June 3 that Public transport and railways should mandate to have a central place ‘in the world of tomorrow’.

Remarking that ‘our world is more interconnected than ever before in history’, the associations stated this come up with new risks with the increased possibility of pandemics accepting that for the transport division the health & climate change objections are closely linked.

Mobility services give the connectivity that allows increased trade & the strength of modern economies to create ever greater prosperity, the associations pointed out when recording that unsustainable transport modes account for 22 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions & reiterating that rail’s carbon footprint is significantly tinier than the other transport modes.

Suggesting that the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, Director General of UIC François Davenne declared that the railways have demonstrated its resilience and their capacity to deliver basic services in these tough times.

We all know that railways and public transport are the keys to a sustainable future. Director-General of UNIFE Philippe Citroen stated that Covid-19 has suddenly brought into focus the necessity for impactful climate action & economic resilience worldwide.

He felt that the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021 to 27 and the Next Generation EU programs put forward through the European Commission will be powerful recovery instruments that may help entire EU Green Deal objectives but they must be mobilised for the decarbonisation of European transport.

However, this will just be possible by a greater multimodal mobility shift along with rail at its backbone. Maintaining that public transport gives a necessary service in our cities throughout the world, UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani told that we must remain to recognise the purpose it plays in delivering action on climate.

Cities become healthier and more sustainable as public transport and the environment are completely linked with a strong local network, emissions are decreased.

By working with UIC & UNIFE to review the changes due to COVID-19 we can perform to building a sustainable future providing public transport with a central place in the world of tomorrow.

Remodelling mobility

Performing to resume working for a world shaped by energy efficiency the 3 associations suggested that ‘the experience of a customer must be revolutionised by the creation of a seamless multimodal mobility network which utilises flow management to predict consumer patterns.

If we move now then the rail & public transport can be more broadly associated with freedom, flexibility as well as comfort. With concerted effort, they assumed ‘it is likely to reform cumbersome elements of public transport that act as a barrier to usage.’

Remarking that the Commission has named 2021 as the European Year of Rail the associations advised that it must also celebrate sustainable mobility & public transport.

The time will surely come when the COVID-19 Pandemic will no more able to be with us. We would once again be able to meet, to talk to each other, and to share a bus, metro, tram or train ride.


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