A New Year Greeting from the Managing Editor

The year will be an icing on the cake as we celebrate our 10th Foundation Day.

New Year Greeting
New Year Greeting

They say change is the way of life, but some changes impact us profoundly. One such change is the change in a year, minimal yet effective and forbearing. 

Happy New Year to all our readers who have always supported us, the editorial advisory board whose dedication and guidance have inspired us to achieve more and more throughout and, above all, the collective idols of the industry. This day, we extend our earnest greetings of a minimal yet effective change to you all. 

2023 had been quite hopeful and promising for the urban mobility sector in India and, consequently, for us. The year gave us a shining RRTS corridor with a promise of a better and enhanced commutation experience across NCR, New Vande Bharat Trains on many routes, an advancing bullet train project and many metros – Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Kochi extension, Gurgaon to count a few. 

India’s rapidly advancing urban mobility sector promises a vibrant and Optimistic future for all stakeholders, ranging from readers to suppliers and manufacturers to authorities. Amid all this, we stand committed to serving the industry with all our efforts and resources to advance it and contribute to its growth. 

While we are celebrating with either a glass of wine or a visit to the temple, the Bullet train project is approaching its inauguration, and metros are eyeing expansion; established metros are developing models for Non-fare revenues, while IR is eyeing an overhauled development of its railway stations, all promising a dazzling and glittering vision unfolding for a mobility-friendly future. 

The year will be an icing on the cake as we celebrate our 10th Foundation Day. On this auspicious countdown, we are delighted to announce a way bigger and better 4th Edition of Our Flagship event for the sector InnoMetro while also Commemorating Metro Rail News Awards to honour the innovation and innovators of the industry. 

Stay tuned with us to keep yourself updated! 

I wish you a Happy New Year again.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!!


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