Jaipur: The efforts of Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation (JMRC) to earn additional revenue by leasing out space for advertisements inside and outside the Metro trains and stations have entirely failed.
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Only one company participated in the tender process. An official said that even the rate quoted by the company was very low.
The JMRC would invite tenders once again. For buying space for advertisement inside trains, two companies had participated in the tender process. Out of which, one company failed to clear the technical bid. The company which won the tender quoted 40% low rates.
Similarly, one company showed interest to use space on rent for advertisements on Metro pillars. This firm also quoted rates 50% less than expected. “Not many companies have shown interest. Moreover, the companies which came quoted less rates and it was not feasible for the JMRC. The tenders will be soon invited again,” said the official.
The JMRC and Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) had earlier locked horns over the right on Metro pillars. The JMRC claimed that it would earn additional income from advertisements which could be utilised for Metro operations. However, JMRC failed to reap the benefits. After witnessing continuous fall in ridership in the second year of Metro’s operations, the JMRC is exploring other ways to earn revenue.