4 bidders submit bids for CMRL’s Line-4 PSD contract

Chennai Metro Rail Ltd (CMRL) floated bids for this contract, which was financed by the AIIB and ADB in May 2022 and had a deadline of 2245 (6.15 years) with an undetermined estimate.


CHENNAI (Metro Rail News): Four bidders have submitted bids for the Platform Screen Door (PSD) contract of Chennai Metro’s 26.09 km Line-4, which would connect Light House to Poonamallee Bypass over 30 stops.

On this route of Chennai Metro’s Phase 2, full-height platform screen doors will be installed at ten underground stations’ twenty platforms, while half-height PSDs will be put at eighteen elevated stations’ thirty-six platforms.

Chennai Metro Rail Ltd (CMRL) floated bids for this contract, which was financed by the AIIB and ADB in May 2022 and had a deadline of 2245 (6.15 years) with an undetermined estimate.

4 Bidders are:

Fangda Innotech Co. Ltd.

RT Vision – Dongwoo Pvt. Ltd. JV

ST Engineering Electronics Ltd

Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd.

Name of bids: C4-ASA10

The name of work: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Platform Screen Doors for CMRL Phase II Corridor 4.

All four bids have been sent for technical bid evaluation, which could take a few months to complete. The financial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened after that to reveal who is the lowest bidder and most likely supplier.

These PSDs will significantly assist CMRL in lowering maintenance costs in subterranean stations by increasing the quality of the atmosphere, leading to lower air-conditioning and ventilation expenses. They will also help to minimize suicides and accidents caused by passenger movement.



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